T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Geography-Challenged Americans ~ by Hénock Gugsa

The Geography-Challenged Americans 
~ by Hénock Gugsa ~
Hénock Gugsa : ===> I know exactly to what this relates. When I returned to Ethiopia after my one year in New York State (at East Rochester), I had a hard time explaining that I was not in NYC all that time ! 🤠 😃   
Pat K : ===>  Hénock, I have to explain that all the time and I just live in Ohio! 

Hénock Gugsa : ===> Pat, what is more amazing is the confidence and conviction behind such wrong ideas or conceptions. In the same vein, people have been known to confuse countries with continents.  I think it is all due to a deficiency of schools that ignore or exclude "Geography" from their curricula. 
I have a funny but true anecdote
* about a Nigerian student in Rochester many years ago. He had gone to a X-MAS party, and while there he was being introduced around to the other guests. So, an affluent elderly lady who happened to be quite well-traveled asked the student what country he was from. 
He politely answered, "I'm from Nigeria."
The old lady stiffened up as she fixed her unwavering eyes on him.  She clearly was struggling to conceal her indignation as she cleared her throat and said aloud, "You mean Algeria, don't you, young man?"

 *  The story was told to me by my dear "Aunt" Caroline Branch, who along with her husband,  "Uncle" John, were my sponsors and dear benefactors.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The "Hunter Biden" Headache ! ~ by Hénock Gugsa

The "Hunter Biden" Headache ! 
~ by Hénock Gugsa (on Facebook) ~
 ~~~~~ // ~~~~~
          Hénock Gugsa ===> What is it with these talent-less, dependent, self-serving, thoughtless sons of big-name politicians in America? It is not like this guy and Trump's children are special in any way, shape, or manner !!!
          David H ===>  Hénock Gugsa, are you nuts? Hunter Biden is a Harvard Law School graduate with 20 years experience on many corporate boards. What are your qualifications for spewing bullshit on the internet? Ample, apparently.
          Hénock Gugsa ===> David H,  so why, if he's such a brainy giant, has he not had the smarts to steer clear of occupations that could potentially land his father in a scandalous situation? Perception is all it takes to sink a political career ... remember Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick, Gary Hart and Donna Rice ... etc., etc., .... As for your views on who should opine on the internet, I would not care to comment on it except to say that your praise of "a Harvard Law School [degree] and 20-years' corporate board membership" is extremely immature and pathetic. Obviously you confuse wisdom or intelligence with school smarts. Keep your damned PHD and your corporate board and country club membership to yourself. I'll stop here before I really get pissed off.
          Paul  R  ===> Hénock Gugsa,  because the GOP will make up a scandal even if there isn’t one.
          Hénock Gugsa ===>  Paul  R, that is true, I agree. But Democrats should all know that and be prepared for all scenarios. I find this Hunter Biden situation so incomprehensible from his vantage point. He and all scions of politicians should know they are fair game. Why does he go and be corporate board chairman in Ukraine, in China? ... Where next? I could understand Japan, South Korea, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Italy, and all those fine countries ... but nooo, he picks these pesky places to stick and ground his
 tent !!!