T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Friday, November 1, 2013

Funeral? ... again?! - by Hénock Gügsa

graphics by Henock  (click to enlarge)
What Now? Funeral? ... again?
by Hénock Gügsa
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Today, November 1st, 2013.

It is a gorgeous Fall day in the Twin Cities.  Sunny, 54-degrees warm, and harmony and joy everywhere!

I've been out and about taking care of a few things like buying my to-go ethnic (Ethiopian) lunch, and getting gas for my car.

Driving home, I happen to be following one of those omnipresent delivery trucks - this one belonged to a local furniture store called Dock 86. I was, as usual, in my normal state of trance when I read the store's logo and catchy slogan.  It said: "Dock 86 - Never pay full price for furniture again!"

I was befuddled, I could not believe what I read! My old eyes were telling me outrageous, shocking lies again. My brain had just registered: Never pay full price for funeral again!

Of-course, an immediate double-take corrected the near-discombobulation, and I have since recovered my composure.  Imagine the thought of your own repeated final trips to the funeral home!  God forbid!

Who's Afraid of Ann Coulter??? - by TPO

graphics by Henock  (click to enlarge)

A Few Comments on Ann Coulter by WP readers *
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- CharlieDrew wrote
12:43 PM CST
ATTENTION HALLOWEEN SHOPPERS! Masks of Ann Coulter,Ted Cruz,Eric Canter and Dick,Lynne and Liz Cheney are once again sold out! Good selection left of masks for all Fox News hosts!

     - Bone_The_Clown responds
     12:44 PM CST
     You can always dye your face orange, walk around with a cigarette and a martini,   
     and whine about "loss of control".

    - Birdofprey wrote
    12:41 PM CST
    Thank GOD, she or he or whatever the hell it is, won't reproduce.

    - thelaw11111 responds
     12:42 PM CST
     How do you know it hasn't?

     - Birdofprey responds
     12:45 PM CST
     The sky didn't turn red.

     - thelaw11111 responds
     12:45 PM CST
     It has been red many times.

     - osmor responds
     12:46 PM CST
     She did, but they buried it. Gravesite was opened the other day and there was a 
     wolf skeleton in there.

- Bone_The_Clown wrote
12:38 PM CST
Coulter stated that the United States is a Christian nation, and said that she wants "Jews to be perfected, as they say".

     - thelaw11111 responds
     12:43 PM CST

     - Bone_The_Clown responds
     12:45 PM CST
     Indeed. It's not hard to get that kind of reaction from one of her quotes.

     - thelaw11111 responds
     12:46 PM CST
     What is a perfected Jew?

     - Bone_The_Clown responds
     12:52 PM CST
     Ann's belief (and shared by many Evangelicals, which she isn't) is that the Jew can 
     be "perfected" by accepting Jesus as their Savior. 

     - thelaw11111 responds
     12:59 PM CST
     Oh, like those Jews for Jesus people? It is funny that Christians are actually Jews for
      Jesus, right?

     - Bone_The_Clown responds
     1:09 PM CST
     " It is funny that Christians are actually Jews for Jesus, right?"
     You mean, like,... "clown funny"?

     - thelaw11111 responds
     1:19 PM CST
     Well, before Jesus, there were no Christians, so after he dies, they started being            
     perfected Jews or Christians, right? 
     Religion is the biggest scam on the human race.

- Birdofprey wrote
12:48 PM CST
Has anyone check[ed] her for the 666? Who is brave enough to get that close?

     - CharlieDrew responds
     12:52 PM CST
     Since she spent the night with 999 Herman Cane those 666's got turned on their heads!

     - Ireland2 responds
     1:09 PM CST
     So, if a 999 hangs with a 666, is the result a 151515, or a 333??

     - Bone_The_Clown responds
     1:31 PM CST
     Use your head. You get 696969.

- ArlingtonTaxPayer wrote
12:46 PM CST
The liberals will always telegraph who they fear...

     - Birdofprey responds
     12:47 PM CST
     We fear for the morons who support her.

     - San Jacinto responds
     12:48 PM CST
     Ah yes, the same way liberals were so afraid of Sarah Palin?
     Don't confuse mockery for fear, sonny.

     - JudyJupiter responds
     12:49 PM CST
     The far-right sees fear everywhere. 
     They have a hammer and no nails.

     - thelaw11111 responds
     12:52 PM CST
     Versus the far left sowing hatred, anger, resentment and fear. One of the GOP fears 
     was that some people would not be able to keep the policy they like, funny that they
     turned out to be right on that. Another fear was that premiums and out of pocket costs
     were going to go up for the vast majority of Americans, funny, they turned out to be 
     right. I wonder what other fears they had will turn out to be right?

     - JudyJupiter responds
     12:53 PM CST
     thelaw... Uh oh, you're telegraphing fear...

     - thelaw11111 responds
     12:57 PM CST
     What am I scared about, please let me know.

     - JohnMadison responds
     1:19 PM CST
     How about fear that someone will have something that you don't have; that you will 
     be identified as the selfish crybaby that you right wingers are; that you will be
     exposed as someone who, without merit, sets himself above others; that there is a 
     conspiracy to exclude you from benefits that "others" are getting for "free".
     How about those, for a start. They appear to be what the right-wing really fears 
     most. And a lot of them (I don't know about you, so I make no assertion) fear other 
     cultures, other races and other philosophies.

     - Bone_The_Clown responds
     1:31 PM CST
     I get scared just thinking of running out of beer.

- Schopenhauer wrote
2:14 PM CST
Krissah asserts that "Ann Coulter is one of her generation’s most famous political writers and talking heads." Only by transitory Washington's kaleidoscopic standards and its incestuous political savagery. Her steroid-infused and barbed dribble has all the staying power of a succession of seasonal wasps, of the perpetual roll of winter clouds on a windy day, so characteristic of the fleeting values scheme of our nation's capitol city and symptomatic of much of what ails it and its hollow culture celebrating invective-infused text as significant political language. Coulter's earlier books have already receded into the proverbial dust bin, and the presumptive life expectancy of her newer compilations of rant is equally predictably short -- full of sound and fury but signifying so little. A "political writer?" Perhaps in some skewed sense, but nothing in her bookshelf will survive her, nothing will find a place on a reading list for a respectable political science course except perhaps as an item of curiosity pointing students to what was once deemed usefully acidic and even relevant to certain fringe elements.

     - Bone_The_Clown responds
     2:15 PM CST
     Damn fine prose!

     - newmanal responds
     2:16 PM CST
     What do you expect from Schopenhauer?


* Washington Post, "Ann Coulter back on airwaves, reenergized by shutdown and exemplifying unhappiness of GOP", by Krissah Thompson, 10/29/2013

Monty Clift - "I Confess"