Victory in rural France ===> Morris, the rooster, can now legally resume his early morning cock-a-doodle-doings to his heart's content! A Rochefort court tribunal has not only ruled in favor of the king of the roost, but has penalized the plaintiffs 1000 € (euros) for damages and for making such a fuss !!! 💙
አስደሳች ድል ለአቶ ሞሪስ ===> በፈረንሳይ ገጠር በ ሳን-ፒየር-ዶሌሮን የሚኖረው አውራ ዶሮ ፥ ሞሪስ ፥ እንደልቡ የፈለገውን ያህ ማለዳ ጠዋት እንዲጮህ በሕግ ተፈቀደለት ። እንዲያውም ዳኛው ከሣሾችን በሞሪስ ላይ ስላደረጉት የመንፈስ ሽብር አንድ ሺ (1000 ዩሮ € ) እንዲከፍሉ በተጨማሪ ፈርዶባቸዋል !!! 💙
La victoire de la ruralité ===> Le coq Maurice pourra continuer ses vocalises matinales. Le tribunal de Rochefort (Charente-Maritime) a tranché jeudi 5 septembre. Faute de preuve, la juge a débouté les plaignants, condamnés à verser 1000 euros de dommages et intérêts !!! 💙
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