T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Saturday, April 23, 2016

We're Americans! - by Hénock Gugsa

We're Americans! 
- by Hénock Gugsa -
In the wake of the New York primary this past Tuesday, a Facebook friend and fellow Bernie-supporter said in disgust,  "We're Americans for Chrissake! ...."  
Spot on, friend !
This put me in mind of a Johnny Depp movie.  In it, he had a line where he says to a waiter, "You're a Mexicain, aren't ya? ... Not a Mexicaint!"  
Same principle can be applied here ... We're Americain ... not Americaint!!
What happened in New York is not really that surprising when you really think about it.  
That place is the lion's den, home of die-hard establishment democrats, of Wall Street, of the giant, recalcitrant financial institutions, and the power base of corporatist-billionaires.  
To be sure, Hillary cashed in all her chips there because she needed to get a fresh new momentum. 
Whether everything was done clean and above board is a discussion for another day.  We can, however, positively be assured that the fight is not over and there will be surprises up ahead. 
This is, after-all, a revolution!  
George C. Scott ("Dr. Strangelove ...")

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Misapplication of a Word - by TPO

All twisted-up !

Misapplication of a Word 
- by TPO -
~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~
Peter Hart, a veteran Democratic pollster who has studied public impressions of Trump, said voters’ views of him are “exceptionally rancid.” [Source: The Washington Post]
From dictionary.com  ===>
1. (of butter, bacon, etc) having an unpleasant stale taste or smell as the result of decomposition
2. (of a taste or smell) rank or sour; stale
Derived Forms
rancidity (ræn's?d?t?), rancidness, noun
Word Origin
C17: from Latin rancidus rank, from rancere to stink

Contemporary Examples from the The Daily Beast ...
I will be happy if events prove me too pessimistic, but the political atmosphere in Washington is rancid.
   " This Isn’t Obama’s Malaise, It’s GOP Intransigence Robert Shrum May 2, 2013 "
You know the cartoon segment that used to be in colour in rancid old newspapers?
    "The Rancid Ballad of Johnny Rotten: His Memoir Seethes With Anger—And Charm Legs McNeil November 19, 2014"
No, this rancid bill of goods is also being by peddled by Fox News personalities.
    "The Right’s Dangerous Rhetoric: Obama as an ‘Enemy Combatant’ Dean Obeidallah February 9, 2014"
The workers had to use oxygen tanks to combat the rancid smell of death in temperatures that topped 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
    "Italy: Migrants Dying en Masse Barbie Latza Nadeau July 6, 2014"

Word Value for rancid :
Scrabble = 9
Words With Friends = 11


Sterling Hayden ("Dr. Strangelove ...")