T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Saturday, March 15, 2014

An Unsurprising Revelation - by AP

An Unsurprising Revelation from 2003
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‘White,’ ‘black’ names make a difference in job search *

     Chicago – It helps to have a white-sounding first name when looking for work, a new study has found.

     Résumés with white-sounding first names elicited 50 percent more responses than ones with black-sounding names, according to a study by professors at the University of Chicago Graduate School Of Business and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

     The professors sent about 5,000 résumés in response to want ads in the Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune. They found that the “white” applicants they created received one response – a call, letter or e-mail – for every 10 résumés mailed, while “black” applicants with equal credentials received one response for every 15 résumés sent.

     The study authors, including University of Chicago associate professor of economics Marianne Bertrand, said the results can solely be attributed to name manipulation.

     “Our results so far suggest that there is a substantial amount of discrimination in the job recruiting process,” they wrote.

     The professors analyzed birth certificates in coming up with what names to use. The “white” names included Neil, Brett, Greg, Emily, Anne and Jill. Some of the “black” names used were Tamika, Ebony, Aisha, Rasheed, Kareem and Tyrone.

     Companies that purported to be equal opportunity employers were no more likely to respond to black résumés than other businesses, the study found.

-      Associated Press -
* Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 1/28/2003

Thursday, March 13, 2014

At it again! - by TPO

At it again!
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by TPO

That miscreant, that social constructionist, that Ayn Rand-acolyte, ... Paul Ryan is at it again! 

I have just learned the following from ThinkProgress  ....

House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) was recently on a conservative radio talk program sounding off on social matters near and dear to his heart: poverty of inner city communities, "real culture problems", and what should be done about them.

My view:

Mr. Rand, er I mean Mr. Ryan, has in the past extensively talked about "poverty traps" and such. He persists in arguing for draconian measures to curb or do away with past or current poverty programs, but he has yet to propose any even halfway acceptable answers (solutions) to the problems. All we have is the same old blame-the-poor-for-their-poverty mantra ... and ... the "coded" cultural (racial) stratification of society as a permanent reality. Let's not forget that he is actually not a proponent of community action although he pays lip service to it in an oblique way. Furthermore, I'm sure he is totally opposed to any form or degree of the government's funding or participation in building or creating infrastructures and institutions to fight poverty.