T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Friday, April 2, 2010

Beware of Meganya! - by Hénock Gugsa

Beware of Meganya (መጋኛ) ! *
Hénock Gugsa

One thing is obvious, uncomplicated, and most common about humans … and that is their capacity for fear.  It is both instinctive (natural) and learned.  Go to any country, any culture … and there you’ll find at least one or two mythical personifications of fear. Boogeymen, vampires, wolfmen, demons, and a myriad of horrible creatures are the stuff of literature and folklore everywhere.  In Ethiopia, however, there is also the mysterious and enigmatic Meganya!

We cannot be perfectly unequivocal in explaining the phenomenon - Meganya cannot be put in any clear or defined category of fear.  One may say that Meganya is the single embodiment of all the fears and ills that are manifested in a society.  By and large, the terror itself is certainly psychologically propagated.  Generally, "Meganya" explains away both the unreal (the supernatural, the imagined) and the real or day-to-day personal calamities.

Examples abound …

People with skewed chins, for example, got that way because they probably crossed paths with Meganya.  It is an irascible being that detests any rude surprises.  Let me explain.  A house or a room that has been shut up and left unlit and unaired for a long time is Meganya’s favorite resting place.  If humans suddenly opened that place up and just barged in, that would startle and anger Meganya.  And it would react by slapping the first person it encounters so hard in the face that it will be cruelly twisted up and frozen for life.  But, believe me: the person has gotten off easy this time ... Meganya could have taken away the person's sight or caused other serious bodily damage. Worst of all, the shock of such an encounter could even cause instant death.

Often, people warn you not to be out and about in the dead of night or even in the early hours of the morning before sunrise.  Meganya has been known to loiter in dark streets and alleys or in places where refuse is kept.  Fiercely territorial and aggressive, Meganya would attack you even if you were armed with holy water.  Should you be outside at an ungodly hour, you are advised to cover your face and look at the ground and nothing else as you walk.  And should you hear your name called out from any direction, do not look up or respond in any way. Meganya could be trying to trick you to let your guard down. And when you do, end of story.

To this day, people in Ethiopia still believe that epilepsy and some forms of madness are the handiwork of Meganya.  And when people are really angry and resentful about something, it is not uncommon to hear them wish for Meganya to strike down the object of their wrath.  And this wish or curse cannot be undone unless immediately followed by spitting at the ground.  This is similar to what people do to avert the evil eye, their own, from hurting other people.

The interesting thing about Meganya is that no one knows what it is exactly or what it looks like.  Those that have encountered it and survived are too shocked out of their wits to tell any tales.  Thus, we are all left to our own conjectures. Some say it is a huge dark entity with mighty arms, and others say it has to be a black smelly cloud of heavy air that leaves telltale misty tracks when it is gone.  I guess that is why when people first open their doors in the morning, they usually douse their front steps with water to wash away Meganya’s remnants.

To be sure, there are other demons and terrifying beings out there.  But for Ethiopians, no one or no thing is as fearsome as Meganya.  An old country such as Ethiopia has a lot of stories to tell.  So perk up your ears and listen well when Ethiopians caution you to “Beware of Meganya!” 
* “Beware of Meganya” ~ © Hénock Gugsa ( ሄኖክ ጉግሣ ) - 04/02/2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wonder of Wonders - by Hénock Gugsa

Wonder of Wonders *
by Hénock Gugsa


Wonder of wonders, folks. I ran into Donald the other day at Lake Calhoun.

The "Duck" is well, by the way ... a bit exhausted from all that politicking he did recently in America's bounteous ponds. He's gained quite a bit of weight what with every one of his constituents pushing seeds, grasses, bugs, and little yummy snails in front of him all the time.

However, his run for the Presidency came to naught. We all knew that would be the outcome going in, but poor Donald of-course didn't. He told me that he is now totally cured of politics and plans to spend the rest of his duck days doing the things he is best at ... waddling, musing, and from time to time quacking just for the hell of it.

I asked Donald what he ponders about most.

He fluttered his wings once, and without missing a beat, said, "Why the American psyche of-course. What else?"

I said, "What do you mean, Donnie Boy? What about the American psyche?"

"Sheesh," he said, " You're the only one that calls me that! I ain't no damn Irish. I'm an American thru and thru. And I live and breathe America, don't you know that?"

I apologized and offered him a piece of aquatic delicacy to calm his nerves. Then, I pressed on with my interview of the great man, er duck.

He sat on his rump and stretched out his old legs and let them dangle in the water.

"I am worried about the American psyche," he began, "The recent financial debacle on Wall Street is sending tremors of fear and unease all thru the land."

I asked, "Do you think that Obama is up to the challenge?"

"Well, he seems to have a good team behind him. They'll be shovel-ready, don't worry."

"So what is worrying you?"

"My friend, it is them so-called experts that are messing with our heads, telling us this and that about where we are and where we are headed. What do they know? And some of them, they call themselves, 'financial advisers'. They mess with the American psyche telling us about the 'right' investment strategies. They talk about credit cycles and, get this, about solid data-driven financial analyses that will ensure success in our investment ventures. First, they assure us, then they caution us.It's enough to make your head spin."

I nodded in agreement, and he was emboldened to continue.

"I ask you, how much can the American psyche take? They tell you to access your brain, a new fangled way of telling you to think. These advisers guarantee that they are hard-wired to the raw data out there, but the prognostications depend on the behavior of us Americans. They say our future depends on our core values, yours and mine. True enough. But, what if our values-based behavior is affected by the fear factor emanating from the pit of our stomachs? Should we make decisions by proxy, or should we just adhere to the herd mentality? Should we hedge our funds, and should we continue being free to be greedy? And what about our x,y,z expectations? Should we not buy into the crisis of confidence in the market? Should we keep holding on to losing positions? And yet, thru all of this, the financial advisers fail to mention that they themselves have vested interests in the things they are pushing.They also neglect to tell you one very important detail: The system has no fail-safe mechanism."

"Whoa, this is all doom and gloom," I said with worry in my voice.

Donald thought for a moment before he replied. Then, with a glint in his eyes, he said, "Well, pal. We shouldn't let those dastards and fools sway us this way and that. We Americans know what is a useful activity and what is not.  Financial positions? pfftt! There are only three positions you can have with your money.You can spend it, you can save it, or you can invest it. Now, for spending you have checking accounts and credit cards. You can still save your money the old-fashioned way in a savings account. Your social security funds and pension plans (401Ks) can be considered savings ... but it is a stretch, I know. Then, you can invest in stocks and bonds. I heard one old geezer say that the best investment strategy these days is 'insured guaranteed bonds' or certificates of deposits."

"Wow, that is a lot to digest, Donald. But tell me what is your own investment strategy?"

A small quack escaped from his orange beak. But he managed to reply, "Easy. I invest in bird seeds. What else?!"

* “Wonder of Wonders” ~ © Hénock Gugsa  (ሄኖክ  ጉግሣ ) - 03/29/2010
 [ Originally posted at politico.com  in April, 2009 ]