T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Monday, July 20, 2020

Kublai Khan and The Kamikaze ~ by TPO

Click inside picture box to enlarge.
Kublai Khan and The Kamikaze *
~ by TPO~
The Japanese damaged Kublai Khan's pride when they repeatedly refused to pay him tribute.  Full of wrath, the mighty conqueror amassed an enormous fleet of hundreds of ships and thousands of soldiers to sail across the sea and teach them a lesson.  He watched as colossal storms -- what the Japanese called the Kamikaze, or Divine Wind -- devastated his ships and saved Japan from his fury.  His soulution?  Build an even larger fleet.

The relatively puny Japanese army breathed a sigh of relief as the Divine Wind returned to finish off the second fleet !

 * Source -- Michael Hirshon (www.tumblr.com)

Friday, July 17, 2020

Things I Do in My Retirement ~ by Hénock Gugsa

Things I Do in My Retirement 
~ by Hénock Gugsa ~
[ How do I spend my time in retirement? ]
Well, I don't want to give you a cliche-ridden response that is lacking in seriousness or weight.  So, here is my response with some background info and description of where I am mentally on the whole topic ....

First off, when I was wading into my middle-age, I never thought that retirement was far off.  I kind of made up my mind that early retirement was the best route for me because  already time was not a slow vehicle anymore.  I should wring every bit of joy out of whatever time is allotted to me.  Also, I realized that I should not dwell too much either on the past or the future.  So, live in the now!

In fact, now, during my retirement, I have found to my pleasant surprise that living is not just "time spent" or something you while away.  It is actually some thing that you hold on to for dear life.

Retirement does not have to be a jail term or sentence that is imposed on you.  From my vantage point,  retirement is actually a life without strict bounds of duties, responsibilities, and dependencies. I am enjoying a vacation without end.  It has been an open-ended period of leisure.

I don't set any schedules or strict goals on my time .... Everything is fluid and flexible although I have a macro-vision or a general idea of the things I would like to do.  So, I try to have unpredictability and spontaneity in my life.  Fortunately, I'm also well-grounded enough not to fall under any attack of boredom (l'ennui).  I love technology and I try to keep up with the latest advances that affect daily life. 

Speaking specifics ....

1) - I read a lot, mostly on-line articles of all sorts.  

2) - I am on social media -- Facebook, YouTube, etc.

3) - I listen to RFI (Radio France International), and a variety of podcasts.

4) - I write or post items that interest me in my own blog.

5) - I go for walks.

6) - I socialize with old friends.

7) - Examples of spontaneous things I've done during my retirement :  getting tattoos, traveling inside and outside the U.S., supporting a political candidate (Elizabeth Warren)

8) - I make sure I get at least seven hours of sleep daily, more if naps force their way into the other things I do.  Actually, I love naps and I am a good practitioner !
That's it ... so far, all is well !