MP SWARBRICK: We are in a climate crisis. If we don't get this right nothing else matters. In the year 2050 I will be 56 years old, yet right now the average age of this 52nd Parliament is 49 years old.
The room, hearing themselves called out for being exactly how old they are, began to titter and some old windbag decided to begin heckling Swarbrick. Without missing a beat, she dropped this millennial term, used to dismiss (usually) baby boom generation condescension aimed at the younger generations.
SWARBRICK: Okay, boomer.
The room goes silent, in part because most of these folks have probably never heard “Okay, boomer” used in any context, or been condescended to in such a dismissive way. The “OK boomer” meme is something that took off on the social media platform TikTok, with short clips of Generation Z and millennials using the term to explain why the baby boom generation’s slandering of younger folks is hypocritical at best, and false most of the time
source:- dailykos.com