T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Monday, February 10, 2014

Jacques Prévert - Déjeuner du matin

click image to enlarge
 "Déjeuner du matin"
- Jacques Prévert -

~~~~ // ~~~~
Il a mis le café
Dans la tasse
Il a mis le lait
Dans la tasse de café
Il a mis le sucre
Dans le café au lait
Avec la petite cuiller
Il a tourné
Il a bu le café au lait
Et il a reposé la tasse
Sans me parler

Il a allumé
Une cigarette
Il a fait des ronds
Avec la fumée
Il a mis les cendres
Dans le cendrier
Sans me parler
Sans me regarder

Il s'est levé
Il a mis
Son chapeau sur sa tête
Il a mis son manteau de pluie
Parce qu'il pleuvait
Et il est parti
Sous la pluie
Sans une parole
Sans me regarder

Et moi j'ai pris
Ma tête dans ma main
Et j'ai pleuré. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Cooling Off - by Raymond Beyda

click to enlarg
Cooling Off
Raymond Beyda *

Most of us don't like to lose our temper. Our ego always prefers a situation of cool control. Unfortunately, controlling this is easier said than done.

Our sages suggest many different practical approaches to assist a person in a bout with temper. The Orhot Tzadikim suggests silence. When you start to boil-- keep your mouth closed. Silence is to anger what water is to fire.

A Rabbi who was counseling a couple who constantly argued gave them a bottle of water. He told them it was special water called "Shalom water".

The woman asked, "How do we use it? Where do we sprinkle it?"

"You don't sprinkle it", replied the wise advisor. "Whenever you are about to scream at your spouse in anger you should fill your mouth with this Shalom liquid and hold it in your mouth for ten seconds before swallowing. By the time you are able to scream you probably will calm down enough to forget about whatever it is that was aggravating you."

If you just can't keep the lid on, try speaking in a low tone. This should have a calming effect on you.

Another cure that is effective is to look in a mirror. Anger is ugly. You definitely look better with a smile on your face,

Today when you are on the brink put your mental camera into action. Look in the mirror of your mind and kill that temper before it takes over your entire being. It is a minute that will save you hours of aggravation.
*Source: Rabbi Raymond Beyda, Torah.org/Reflections