by Hénock Gugsa
Well, here we go again! It's time for the decadal absurdity known as the National Census. But, this year, somehow the irritation factor has become kind of a mixed bag. I don't know if I can really say there's been any improvements. The real improvement would be when they do away with it completely, or at least just stick to counting heads ... stop the ridiculous breakdowns (categorizations) and nonsensical probings!
HG: Hey, honey, this question here about race is one for the books .... Choice #1 - Black, African American, Negro ... Choice #2- White ... Choice #3- Hispanic ...[and that is broken down into three or four groups] ... etc.
JG: [chuckling].... Well, whatcha gonna do?
HG: ... and, wait, wait ... The last item on the list is "Other." I think I'll go with that. There is a blank space next to it where you can specify what you mean. I'll put down "Alien."
JG: Well, now. You better behave. We don't want them on our case now.
HG: Okay, then. I'll put down "Abyssinian." They can't do anything about that. Besides it's the truth.
JG: They'll think you're a cat.
HG: And is that such a bad thing, dear?!