by TPO
November, 2011
Herman Cain: "“Some people want to say,‘Well, as president, you’re supposed to know everything.’ No you don’t.”
But you still have to have a thirst for knowledge. You perhaps don't need to be an expert, but you have to have at least enough knowledge to be able to be conversant or to make decisions. Good thing Mr. Cain is out of the race. Otherwise, we would have another catastrophic GWB strutting in the White House corridors once more. It would be "déjà-vu all over again!"*
(*) source: youtube.com
January 25, 2012
After three years of diligent work by the Justice Department and the FBI, in particular, charges were brought against four Connecticut police officers for violating the civil rights of Hispanics by discriminating against them. The officers arrested were from the community of East Haven, CT.
Joseph Maturo, the mayor of East Haven, was recently asked what he would do for the Hispanic community in the wake of those arrests.
His response: “I might have tacos when I go home. I’m not quite sure yet. I have spent 2 years in Puerto Rico.”**
(**)source: www.csm.com
January 26, 2012
Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney had their sharpest exchange when Gingrich said Romney was the most anti-immigrant candidate in the GOP field. Romney responded indignantly, reminding Gingrich that Romney's father, George, was born in Mexico.
A two-term Michigan governor, George Romney faced questions about his eligibility to run for president in 1968 because he wasn't born in the United States. Yet, George was born a U.S. citizen, not Mexican, because his parents were U.S. citizens. And in those days, Mexico didn't grant dual citizenship so the parents had to choose one country or the other. Mitt Romney has said neither his father nor his grandparents spoke Spanish.***
January 30, 2012
In Florida ....
He [Newt Gingrich] made religion-baiting references to his Mormon opponent at two stops, accusing Romney of discriminating against Catholics and Jews. “I think we need to have a government that respects our religions,” Gingrich declared at a rally in Tampa. “I’m really tired of being lectured about respecting every other religion on the planet. I want them to respect our religions.” ***
(***)source: The Washington Post