by Hénock Gugsa
- So, a bridge collapses and kills 13 people. Should the immediate reaction be to find somebody to blame? No, the tragedy has already occurred. As a citizen, I can only mourn the loss of lives, and hope that a proactive investigation is done that will be instructive enough to help us correct the avoidable human mistakes.
- A government adopts wrong-headed policies and stubbornly executes them in the face of so much opposition, then grapples with the predictable disasters that ensue. All I can do is vote against those responsible ... the incompetent and unworthy elected officials. It should not matter what party they belong to.
- Someone somewhere loudly and passionately writes in support of his political party, and bemoans and besmirches the demurrers as liberals, neocons, libtards, democRats, republitards, lefties, righties, commies, fascists, pro-American, anti-American, traitors, fundies, wingnuts, gay lovers, homophobes, hypocrites, zealots, racists, sexists, bigots, neanderthals, progressives, reactionaries, bolsheviks, mensheviks, etc. But what does it all mean? Why even discuss any issue if everything can be settled by just name-calling, labeling, and pigeonholing?
Conclusion: I think that all of us (i.e. each and everyone) are really more complex in our thoughts, our beliefs, and our actions. Even the most "so-called" die-hard capitalist can, at some point, succumb to moments of humaneness and give in to compassion and charity. Hence hope and optimism always stay unvanquished for the nation.
Our country has numerous unsung heroes who have sprung from all walks of life, and they are always doing wonderfully good deeds. But these folk don't advertise their good work. They are quiet, they stay under the radar, and they like to keep it that way. Maybe they are the true practitioners of Bart's philosophy. They try to right a wrong, to mend the broken, to feed the hungry, and to love the unloved.
Have a cow? No, not them!
* "Don't have a cow, man!" ~ © Hénock Gugsa ( ሄኖክ ጉግሣ ) - 04/07/2010