T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Saturday, October 31, 2020

BLM (Black Lives Matter) ~ by Hénock Gugsa

Hénock Gugsa

BLM (Black Lives Matter) 

~ by Hénock Gugsa ~ 

      ... more specifically "human beings with genetically dark skin pigmentation" matter because those with little or no pigmentation seem to be negatively obsessed about them.  

     I used to work for Unisys Corporation.  Every year, they required employees to update their personal data in their personnel files.  One of the reasons they gave was that they were required by the Government to prove they adhered to EEO (equal employment opportunity) rule.  Otherwise, they could lose government contracts, etc.  

     I resented being asked about my race or ethnic origin.  Every year, I would fill in a different choice (option) from the drop-down menu.  One year, I would select "Hispanic or latin", the next year I would choose "South Pacific Islander", next year: Asian,etc., etc.  Some years, I would even put down "Caucasian".  There were times when I selected "Other" and specified with : Abyssinian, or Human, etc.

     Nobody ever came back and challenged me about it!


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Commentaire politique ~ FranceInfo


Commentaire politique 

~ FranceInfo ~

 Notos: ===>
     Si Trump vole les élections au peuple américain il n'aura plus aucune légitimité. Une guerre civile sera inévitable jusqu'à l'éjection du "président" qui ne sera en fait qu'un imposteur et un dictateur.
     Les mensonges et surtout les aveux de Trump sont le terreau d'une grave crise politique aux USA qui s'ajoutera au fiasco sanitaire et économique.
     Trump a déjà fait énormément de mal à son pays en le divisant et en refusant de prendre des mesures pour sauver son peuple de la pandémie. Sans parler de l'image des USA catastrophique à l'international.
     Biden gagnera. Et si Trump réussi son putsch en sabotant le vote par courrier, il devra être délogé par l'armée. De plus il ne sera plus du tout audible et plus rien ne pourra se faire sans que le pays explose. Et la communauté internationale pourrait se liguer contre les USA tant qu'ils n'auront pas un président légitime. Le fond du trou pour les USA.

BD1dotNet : ===>
     Le problème est qu'il va perdre cette élection...!!!
     Et qu'il ne voudra pas céder sa place...!!!
     Donc effectivement le risque d'une guerre civile est très élevé...!!!
Trump est extrêmement dangereux et doit être stoppé, s'il perd car il doit perdre (ses retards dans les sondages sont abyssaux et irrattrapables) ce sera pour lui une humiliation suprême. Il n'aura plus qu'à gémir dans son coin en disant que les élections sont "truquées". Quel triste personnage...

Source:  https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/usa/presidentielle/donald-trump/presidentielle-americaine-pourquoi-le-vote-par-courrier-pourrait-etre-un-facteur-important-de-l-election_4076625.html#xtor=CS3-794

Cannibals ?! ~ by Hénock Gugsa


Ethiopian soldiers in Korea

Cannibals ?! 

~ by Hénock Gugsa ~

     There's a kind of a funny little story about Ethiopian soldiers in Korea during the war there in the early '50s. I know that you know Ethiopians have a predilection for raw meat. Well, it so happened that they came upon some unattended cow grazing in the field. So they caught it, quickly slaughtered it and gathered around and began to eat the meat raw. They were ravenous as they hadn't had raw meat for a long time ... they were slicing the meat and eating it right off their bayonets. It was a sight to behold !
     In the meantime, a group of Chinese and North Koreans were approaching the encampment intending to make a surprise attack.  But when they saw the Ethiopians happily gorging themselves on blood-soaked meat, the Asians  shrieked with fright and scattered to the wind. Soon after that, it was said that the Koreans and the Chinese spread the word that the Ethiopians were cannibals and should be avoided rigorously !

The Kagnew pin


Monday, October 26, 2020

Backlash Blues ~ Nina Simone

Nina Simone (1933-2003)

Backlash Blues  

~ Nina Simone ~ 


Mister Backlash, Mister Backlash,
Just who do you think I am?
Tell me, Mister Backlash,
Who do you think I am?
You raise my taxes, freeze my wages,
Send my son to Vietnam.

You give me second-class houses,
Give me second-class schools,
Second-class houses
And second-class schools.
You must think us colored folks
Are second-class fools.

When I try to find a job
To earn a little cash,
Try to find myself a job
To earn a little cash,
All you got to offer
Is a white backlash.

But the world is big,
The world is big and round,
Great big world, Mister Backlash,
Big and bright and round—
And it's full of folks like me who are
Black, Yellow, Beige, and Brown.

Mister Backlash, Mister Backlash,
What do you think I got to lose?
Tell me, Mister Backlash,
What you think I got to lose?
I'm gonna leave you, Mister Backlash,
Singing your mean old backlash blues.

You're the one,
Yes, you're the one
Will have the blues. 

* “Backlash Blues” (1967) written by Langston Hughes  for his friend, Nina Simone. This was one of the last of Langston Hughes' protest poems before his death in 1967.  


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Universal Love for Music and Dance ~ by TPO


Universal Love for Music and Dance ~ by TPO

Music and Dance ... that's what we're all wired for !
ሙዚቃ እና ዳንስ ... በደም ሥራችን ውስጥ ነው ያለው !

💙 ❤️ 💙

[ Silent Place - by Jiggy ] 


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

About Nationalism ~ by Hénock Gugsa


About Nationalism ~ by Hénock Gugsa 


I love America as much as the next guy.  I have assimilated and absorbed all of the best features of this great land.  However, I've always felt that less bragging and a more realistic self-acceptance are a proper way to go.  The can-do attitudes of Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower were the greatest things about America.  

Currently, obviously, they seem to have vanished.  Could they be retrieved ?  Perhaps, yes.  But, I think it will require a revolution of sorts !!!  Above all, we should be wary of the dangers of "nationalism", especially the intolerance it foments.  

One of the things I love about America is the freedom of speech, and the non-kowtowing to power.  But now, fear seems to have crept in thru the backdoor on the coattails of  "false patriotism".  I think we should be open-minded and read about or listen to alternative insights on our corner of the world.  Comedians can sometimes tell the brutal truth !

Sunday, October 18, 2020

"Women living with their Erikas" ~ by Eve Pollard



Woman’s Editor Eve Pollard gets it off her chest:
    What it’s like living with your ‘Erikas’


 We all know what men think of big bosoms.  The roar of the 68,000 rugby crowd at Twickenham a week ago said it all.

    In a flash our heroine was free.  Bristol lost a lot of its claim to fame as the mammorable phrase “a lovely pair of Erikas” was born.    

 Women, of course, don’t all feel the same as their menfolk.

  In fact their varying views of Erika Roe and her size 38 double D cup bosom are often based on how well-endowed in the chest area they themselves are.

    So I have to breathe in, pull my shoulders back, puff up my chest, and be counted.  With a 36 C-cup size bosom, I am glad that once again the busty birds are having their day.

    Having a big bosom isn’t necessarily the greatest stroke of luck, though.

    I have been described as a girl with “more front than Brighton*. ”   Yet I still get embarrassed by the way that a woman who carries all before her somehow appears much more available to the opposite sex than her flatter-chested sisters.
* Brighton, a resort on the south coast of England, in East Sussex, is noted for its 5.4-mile expanse of shingle beach.

Source - wordhistories.net

Monday, October 12, 2020

"CATS" and Francesca Hayward ~ by Hénock Gugsa


Francesca Hayward

"CATS " and Francesca Hayward 

~ by Hénock Gugsa ~

Despite all the horrible reviews it has picked up here and there, I found "CATS" [now on HBO] quite enjoyable.  The music and the choreography are quite good, and a new and charming discovery is regaling her talents to the medium of film ....

Her name is: Francesca Hayward.  I guarantee you'll fall in love with this sweet Kenyan-British ballerina !! 

🤔  ❤️  🙂