T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2016

BREXIT! ===> You breaks it ... you owns it! - by Hénock Gugsa

Click to enlarge figure

BREXIT! ===> You breaks it ... you owns it! 
- by Hénock Gugsa -
Breaking away?! .... I am wondering if there is or not an universal truth or finality to such a decision in Britain. 

It is indeed a reflection of Britain's isolationist mood.  Furthermore, there are going to be ripple effects both in England and globally.  The big question is:  Could this stupidity be reversed? .... 

On another deeper, local, and demographic level, could there be a more serious rift between the old and the young? 

I stand with the youth.  The old are selfish and think of themselves more than of the youth's future.  

Friday, June 24, 2016

"The Good Old Days!" - according to DT

 take a big gulp !!

"The Good Old Days!" 
- according to Donald Trump -
(thru the good graces of Marianne DeMarco)
~~~~~~~ *** ~~~~~~~

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Unnecessary and Pointless Strife - by Hénock Gugsa

Unnecessary and Pointless Strife
- by Hénock Gugsa -

   “It’s not a favorable time to be a black, Muslim, Somali immigrant.”
      -- Jamal Abdulahi, who has lived in Minnesota for more than 20 years. --

** A rather inane,and weaselly thing to say!
Why doesn't he just say "a Somali-American"?  After-all, he knows as well as the rest of us that 99.99% of Somalis in the U.S. are black , Muslim, and immigrants.  We also know that the Somali community is not trying very hard to improve its image.  Sadly, we hear that a Somali undercover terrorist informant had to be paid a six-figure amount to assist in catching terrorist plotters here in Minnesota.  Shameful!  Where is the American patriotism or the simple, unconditional love and appreciation for America?  Where is common decency, where is duty, and where is honor? **

Facebook conversation between MG and Hénock Gugsa follows ....

MG ===> I think I must have missed a conversation somewhere.
Hénock Gugsa ===> Here's the latest info on the court case against 3 Somali youth: www.mprnews.org/story/2016/06/03/isis-trial-minnesota-men-verdict 
/// 3 Minnesota men found guilty of plotting to join ISIS [mprnews.org|By Laura Yuen]
MG ===> They have very sad eyes. I don't know what to make of this. What are your thoughts Hénock?
Hénock Gugsa ===> I have lived here in Minnesota a cumulative of over 30 years. There is a diversity of communities and cultures living and prospering in this wonderful, liberal, and most generous State. Most of the communities are law-abiding citizens who meticulously keep a low profile, or if you hear about them, it is mostly in good light. The same cannot be said for the Somalis, and they have not only alienated themselves but have alienated others against them. Living in tight small communities separate from the main (host) society, not assimilating well, and getting in skirmishes with the law does not help. In my opinion, Somalis give immigrants a bad name with their arrogance and their aggressiveness. Am I prejudiced? I don't know, but I have known Somalis a long time even before I came here (back in Ethiopia). But you have to make your own assessment thru the writings and history out there (good and bad).
MG ===> What are you thoughts about the "lost boys"?
Hénock Gugsa ===> That is a totally wonderful and inspiring tale of Sudanese boys who trekked long and arduous miles to safety .... 1-) They were a family or members of an extended family. 2-) They are non-militant, peace-loving Christians. 3-) They have assimilated very well and have deserved all the respect and accolades bestowed upon them.
MG ===> Why are the Somali kids so troubled?
Hénock Gugsa ===> That is a mystery to me.

(frustrated) Idris Elba

Friday, June 17, 2016

Gun Madness - by G B (on Facebbok)


The madness about AR-15s
- by -
 (Facebook- June 14, 2016 - Portland, OR)

Today I went to my local gun store (US Guns, 9063 SW Barbour Blvd.) to ask about AR-15 guns. I didn't go in to berate, but to try to understand why a store would sell such weapons. The two young guys in the store were understandably jittery but tried to answer my questions.

ME: I'm trying to learn more about the AR-15 and why an ordinary citizen would want one. I already know that the AR does not stand for "assault rifle" or "automatic rifle" but for ArmaLite, the company that developed it.

CLERK at US Guns: Most people use them to shoot cans and stuff.

ME: You'd have to be a very bad shot to need that kind of gun to shoot cans. I did just fine with my BB gun and my dad's 30-06 deer hunting rifle. I didn't need 45 rounds per minute.

CLERK #2: They are good for shooting coyotes and ground hogs because those little suckers really move fast.

ME: It seems that the AR rifles are nearly all you have here, except for the hand guns.

CLERK: Yes, they are our most popular.

ME: But surely everyone isn't buying them to hunt coyotes, ground hogs, and tin cans.

CLERK #2: They are good for wild pigs in Texas. They're a real problem in some parts there.

ME: But we don't have wild pigs in Portland. Why do people in Portland buy these types of guns?

CLERK: Well, some are for protecting their families and property.

ME: Protecting them from whom?

CLERK: I don't know, that's just what they say.

ME: Have you ever had someone you love killed by a gun, and I don't mean while hunting rabbits?


ME: I have. You are young, and the older you get the more likely you are to lose a loved one. Whether you think they are killed by a gun or a person you will discover they are dead. What would happen if you stopped selling AR rifles?

BOTH CLERKS: We'd be out of business.

ME: So it's about the money.

CLERK: Yeah.

ME: I ask you to reconsider and to stop selling these guns. Thank you.
And I left. But wait, there's more ....
Part II
As I headed to my car I was approached by a guy who was in the store and followed me out.
GUY: They are lying. They sell the guns to people to protect themselves when "they" come?

ME: Who is "they," zombies?

GUY: Yeah, that and all the others who might try to steal your food after an earthquake or take your guns or imprison your family members.

ME: Is that something that really concerns you?

GUY: Yeah, with the way the country has been going the last 7 years. . .

ME: You mean since we got a black president?

GUY: Well, not just that but look at all the Muslims and immigrants streaming across the border to get us. I have six ARs, and plenty of ammunition.

ME: But you can only shoot one gun at a time.

GUY: But I bet I feel lots safer than you do.

ME: No, I'm not afraid of hoards of zombies, Blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims coming after me and my family. I'm more afraid of going out dancing, or to church, or the movies, or school.

GUY: Nah, those are pretty safe places.
I drove away proud that I hadn't screamed at anyone, but just asked questions, hoping I would learn something. I did, and it made me cry a bit as I drove home.

I thought of my friend John, a husband and father, who was depressed about school and couldn't buy beer in Utah because it was Sunday, so he bought a gun and shot himself.

I thought of my daughter, who wanted to clean the carpets but was turned away because she was wasn't old enough to rent a Rug Doctor. But she was old enough to have bought a gun if she wanted.

There is something very wrong here and the only way it will get fixed is if we all get off our butts and do something about it. Everyone start by finding your neighborhood gun store and go in and ask questions. Challenge them a bit to think about it and to come clean with the real reasons for these guns. It has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. It has to do with the money they make from paranoid people, made even more paranoid by the NRA. We all have a gun story. Tell them your story and ask them to stop selling AR guns. They probably won't, but you will have made them think about it.

Friday, May 27, 2016

A Facebook Exchange - by Hénock Gugsa

What a day it was !

In response to WZ's Facebook post (thread) of 5/20/16 titled: 
"all right, losing "friends" who must be H Rotten supporters"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mr. DB :>  Real friends share the same principles as you do.   Anyone voting for that @#%&! [Hillary Clinton] obviously do not. F@*k 'em [sic]. You're better off without them anyway.
Hénock Gugsa :> "Real friends" don't have to agree with you all of the time, but they should stand up for your right to be different from them at times. Also, true friends don't judge ... instead, they strive to understand!
Mr. DB :> I didn't say they have to agree with you on everything. You obviously don't understand what I said. I said they have to have the same PRINCIPLES as you do. I couldn't be friends with people who don't share my BASIC PRINCIPLES, and neither could anyone else. This isn't about what kind of music someone likes or what kind of food is their favorite, it's about the very foundation of how you view cheating, corruption, lying, abuse of power, and other things that aren't (or shouldn't be) negotiable in people. That's what I said, that's what I meant. And for the record, I'm pretty sure Wynne understood.
Mr. DB :> BTW, people "judge" all the time. If you didn't, you'd be friends with literally everyone! I don't like everyone! Neither does anyone else. That's a fact among ALL creatures. That's why some people have "poor judgement" and other have "good judgement". There's a difference between realizing that some people are bad for you, and being UNFAIRLY judgmental within your circle of friends.
Hénock Gugsa :> It's true some people are bad for you. They could be even worse ... they could even be toxic to you. Thank you for your clarifications, I am in agreement with you on your initial post above. I was really questioning why such people were labelled "friends" to begin with. As you know, many people here on FB compile hundreds of "friends" over time. I don't think people do any serious vetting when they make "friends" here on FB. The term is used too lightly here on FB! Yes, people do "judge" people all the time, and that is unfortunate ... and I'm saying that those that judge you are not "real friends" to begin with. So, in the end you and I are on the same page, I hope.
Mr. DB :> I agree about FB. When I first got on, I was naïve as well and let too many people on. Now, I'm in the position of having to get rid of people who I never hear from, whom I don't know and haven't talked to, who don't ever respond to my posts, or post questionable or downright horrible things to their page. I was hoping you'd understand that I meant the difference between UNFAIRLY judging someone and FAIRLY judging them based on what they've shown you to be.  And I'm glad that you do that, or else you'd be in a lot of danger, here and in the real world.
Hénock Gugsa :> True. There is indeed real danger here [on FB] !!!
SUMMATION ===> As you may have observed, Mr. DB appears to be a highly-strung, opinionated, and harshly judgmental type of person.  I do not see much compassion or tolerance (understanding) in his words.  I had to employ a lot of patience and diplomacy, and it was difficult getting my point across.  What's more, he was taking everything I said personally, and he was defensive to the end.  Since my efforts to sway Mr. DB from being judgmental obviously failed, I had to try to get him to understand what "true (real) friendship" means.  I don't think that I succeeded in that either.  I am now wondering how he would have reacted if I had said to him: "Judge not lest ye be judged."

Cary Grant -  "Charade"

Thursday, May 19, 2016

"Freedom of Speech" - by Hénock Gugsa

"Freedom of Speech" 
- by Hénock Gugsa -
Ideally, in an ideal world, what Ms. J K Rowling* says makes complete and acceptable sense. But we are not there yet, that's utopian! ....
In the real world of today, what we are seeing is the eternal struggle between right and wrong, good and evil, etc., etc. It is not possible for one side to thrive and/or to win by allowing the other side equal footing. It is not right, it seems to me, that only one side knows this fairly well and is not squeamish about squashing the other side. 
It has actually been postulated by thinkers of yore (Socrates, Plato, etc.) that too much (unrestrained) freedom will lead to the end of democracies. I sincerely believe that we reap what we sow when we let the likes of Limbaugh, Savage, O'Reilly, the rabid evangelicals, and cuckoo birds of one kind or another to loudly run their mouths with hate and dissension.
It seems to me that reason, reasonableness, and civility have been thrown out the window, all in the name of freedom. However, I don't think that answers can be formulated if firm boundaries are delineated from the start with "either for" ,  "or against"  types of positions. 
Historically, the world has seen tyrannical governments pop up on the backs of democracies using freedom of speech; and once in power, those governments have stripped away all that freedom with goose-stepping boots. Moderation, ethical behavior, or civility are not necessarily compatible with full, unrestrained freedom of speech. And before you throw the "law of the land" ( the Constitution ) at me as an argument, please remember that laws are man-made and fragile. Their strength is dependent on how astute, learned, and wise the citizenry is!
Please understand that I am not against individualism and/or citizens' freedoms ... far from it! I am only here pointing out the dangers of people not listening to each other with all the shouting and yelling in the room. Would you allow incivility, disrespect, and chaos to rule your household if you wanted contentment of any kind in your family life?

*Ms. J K Rowling speaking at PEN America gala on 5/16/16  

Friday, May 13, 2016

Very soon now! - by Hénock Gugsa -

The buddies!
Very soon now! 
- by Hénock Gugsa -
Not too far in the future, ...
but very soon now, [I predict] each and every American, child or adult, will be required to carry some sort of "passport" (national identity card) on their person at all times.

Such passport will normally be issued at birth, and it will be used for multiple purposes ...
1 - for travel
2 - for cashing checks
3 - for voting
4 - getting Rx prescriptions filled
5 - getting licenses to drive, to marry or to divorce, to build or to demolish, etc., etc.
6 - last but not least, for using the "correct" public bathroom!

"I'm off to bed."

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Educating Myself about War - by Hénock Gugsa

Ethiopian soldiers in the Korean War
Educating Myself about War 
- by Hénock Gugsa - 

Recently, someone on Facebook suggested that I educate myself on the military and the good that it does.

No, thanks, I think I'll pass on that.
I already know that the main purpose and function of the military is for engagement in wars.  They may call it "peace keeping", "defense", and getting rid of "threats". But it all boils down to ===> W A R !!

Well, war is a product of hate ... and there is hate on all sides. The question here, however, is how you conduct war ... the degree of detachment or cold-bloodedness is what is worrisome. On one side, you have snipers, drones, and maybe carpet-bombing. On the other, you have RPG's, IEDs, and self-exploding humans.  And in peace-time, there is all that "unexploded ordinance" (bombs, mines) left behind to do more damage!

War is all ugliness, and how you measure war "heroism" is an even more dubious exercise.  But that is another discussion for another day.

How much more do I need to know or to educate myself about war? Not much ... just that it is fabricated and especially cancerous when you conduct it thousands of miles away from your shores and in a foreign land that was not your equal and did not threaten you at all.

So again, no thanks, I don't need to educate myself ... I know enough about war!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Silver Linings! - by Hénock Gugsa

Attila's Hun troops
 Silver Linings!
// by Hénock Gugsa //
Think about it! This is a strange situation we are in. In Donald Trump's never-imagined rise to his current status as leading candidate of the GOP, there really have been many silver linings in the gray clouds.
1-   He has exposed all the dirty laundry of the Republicans.
2-   He has demonstrated the inanity of the media by exploiting them and showing them up as the moronic talking heads that they are.
3-   Donald Trump is not unlike Attila the Hun. He indirectly drove the Roman Empire to the ground by attacking the Goths who in turn invaded the civilized power of the world at the time.  Donald has routed the establishment’s run-of-the-mill candidates and brought the Republican Party to its knees.
4-   The theater of absurdity in which he is the leading actor is waking up a lot of Americans to realize their true natures.  We are truly seeing Americans as they are, all of them … the wise, the foolish, the insanely idiotic, and the dangerous.
5-   In Trump’s world, the rule is that there are no rules!  He has amply demonstrated that he is not here to be given power, instead he is here to outright take it.
6-   He demolished every one of his republican opponents, and he is going to do the same with Hillary Clinton.  The reason is because she is no different from the people he has already vanquished … remember Jeb Bush.
7-   The only formidable obstacle to Trump is someone with impeccable integrity, stamina, and unwavering principles and ideas about where this country should be heading.  Trump, the revolutionary of the right, meet Sanders, revolutionary of the left!
8-   America has been going down the wrong path for most of the last thirty-five years.  And now, Donald Trump is about to push us over the precipice to uncharted territories.  It is time to wake up and save the republic … let us go back to the basics, let us bring back “The Constitution of the United States of America”!
9-   Go Bernie!!
10- God save America!!!

The ever-delightful Chris Pratt

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Faux Patriotism ~ by Hénock Gugsa

Faux Patriots
Faux Patriotism 
~~ Hénock Gugsa ~~

When I was in 10th Grade in Ethiopia (I won't tell you what year), I had a Canadian teacher who was literally a goldmine of both useful and trivial knowledge.  I swear he would have made a great "Jeopardy" champion had that TV game been around back then.
Anyways, I remember him telling us about a tiny Japanese town (or island) called USA. At the time, Japan was the up-and-coming economic threat to the United States. This teacher told us that Japan was labeling  some of its exported products as "Made in USA" and selling them worldwide. This little piece of information taught me a very wise life lesson: Never put much credence on labels!
The commercialization of patriotism is even more widespread now; and sadly, no one questions the legitimacy or veracity of labels anymore. If you remember back 15 years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, the Chinese unloaded on us cheap "patriotic" items like U.S. flag pins and even U.S. flags. They were the most bizarre and absurdly exploitative commercial products in anybody's memory !!!
Rampant and dishonest commercialism/materialism is accepted as a fact-of-life. Even the most learned and leery consumers just smirk and stop questioning what is real and what is phony. When we stop questioning the truths behind labels, we are only a step away from forgetting our values. In the end, there is no difference between a phony (deceptive) product label and the phony (unsubstantiated) claims of patriotism.

Peter Sellers and David Niven - "The Pink Panther"

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fear is Everywhere - by Hénock Gugsa

Fear is Everywhere 
- by Hénock Gugsa -
//// ~~~~ ////

Fear is everywhere ... out in public, in the privacy of our homes, or online in social media!  We all need to be careful what we say lest it be misconstrued and it gets us into a mess of unintended heartache and misery.

I don't personally buy into the "Freedom of Speech" propaganda anymore because I don't trust anything or anybody willy-nilly.  I am, however, glad about the "freedom not to listen" ... and I am thankful and I appreciate the power to mute, to change the channel, to unfollow, to unfriend, and of-course to turn off and shut out the unpleasant things or people out there. 

An aside [tongue-in-cheek] ===> I have never felt so powerful and fearless in my life before!  

Viggo Mortensen - "The Road"

Saturday, April 23, 2016

We're Americans! - by Hénock Gugsa

We're Americans! 
- by Hénock Gugsa -
In the wake of the New York primary this past Tuesday, a Facebook friend and fellow Bernie-supporter said in disgust,  "We're Americans for Chrissake! ...."  
Spot on, friend !
This put me in mind of a Johnny Depp movie.  In it, he had a line where he says to a waiter, "You're a Mexicain, aren't ya? ... Not a Mexicaint!"  
Same principle can be applied here ... We're Americain ... not Americaint!!
What happened in New York is not really that surprising when you really think about it.  
That place is the lion's den, home of die-hard establishment democrats, of Wall Street, of the giant, recalcitrant financial institutions, and the power base of corporatist-billionaires.  
To be sure, Hillary cashed in all her chips there because she needed to get a fresh new momentum. 
Whether everything was done clean and above board is a discussion for another day.  We can, however, positively be assured that the fight is not over and there will be surprises up ahead. 
This is, after-all, a revolution!  
George C. Scott ("Dr. Strangelove ...")

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Misapplication of a Word - by TPO

All twisted-up !

Misapplication of a Word 
- by TPO -
~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~
Peter Hart, a veteran Democratic pollster who has studied public impressions of Trump, said voters’ views of him are “exceptionally rancid.” [Source: The Washington Post]
From dictionary.com  ===>
1. (of butter, bacon, etc) having an unpleasant stale taste or smell as the result of decomposition
2. (of a taste or smell) rank or sour; stale
Derived Forms
rancidity (ræn's?d?t?), rancidness, noun
Word Origin
C17: from Latin rancidus rank, from rancere to stink

Contemporary Examples from the The Daily Beast ...
I will be happy if events prove me too pessimistic, but the political atmosphere in Washington is rancid.
   " This Isn’t Obama’s Malaise, It’s GOP Intransigence Robert Shrum May 2, 2013 "
You know the cartoon segment that used to be in colour in rancid old newspapers?
    "The Rancid Ballad of Johnny Rotten: His Memoir Seethes With Anger—And Charm Legs McNeil November 19, 2014"
No, this rancid bill of goods is also being by peddled by Fox News personalities.
    "The Right’s Dangerous Rhetoric: Obama as an ‘Enemy Combatant’ Dean Obeidallah February 9, 2014"
The workers had to use oxygen tanks to combat the rancid smell of death in temperatures that topped 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
    "Italy: Migrants Dying en Masse Barbie Latza Nadeau July 6, 2014"

Word Value for rancid :
Scrabble = 9
Words With Friends = 11


Sterling Hayden ("Dr. Strangelove ...")

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Sanders on the Media - by TPO

Senator Bernie Sanders
 Sanders on the Media *
- by TPO -
<< For the media, 90 percent of the coverage is process, is soap opera, is polls, is raising money … Yesterday a woman comes up to me with tears in her eyes: “Bernie, I am working 60 hours a week. I’m not making any money and I don’t have time to spend with my daughter. Listen to the kids who leave school 50 or 60,000 dollars in debt. Talk to the people who have no health insurance and what that means to their life.”
I’m running for president of the United States because we have a disappearing middle class, we’ve got 47 million people living in poverty. The amount of time that media pays to those issues is minimal. I think that is my critique, Chris. The media has got to look at the pain in America today and then look at how the candidates are responding to that pain. Campaigns and elections are not a game. They’re not a game. They are about trying to change America .... >>
* Bernie Sanders' evaluation of the media [as given to  Chris Hayes of MSNBC]  

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Immigrants in America - by Hénock Gugsa

Samoset visiting pilgrim immigrants in Plymouth - 1620

Immigrants in America 
- by Hénock Gugsa - 

** In response to: "Immigrants Don't Drain Welfare. They Fund It. - By Laura Reston
September 3, 2015 - New Republic **

I suspect a lot of those immigrants that you speak of don't ever get any of that contribution back .  Many go back, or die without making any claims.   And if they ever become naturalized, they have to individually pay a non-refundable fee of close to $680.00 to the U.S. Government.  So, if 780,000 get naturalized in a year, that's a gross profit of $530.4 Million for the U.S. Treasury.  Administrative costs should  be 5% of that at the most. 

According to newamericanscampaign.org ==> "Who is naturalizing? Mexico is the top country of origin for our newly naturalized citizens. In 2013, India replaced the Philippines as the number two country of origin, but those three countries have been in the top three for the past three years.
More women than men became new citizens, and that is no different than the previous two years. In 2013, 55 percent of new Americans were women. Nearly two-thirds of new Americans were married."

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mahbuba, a Love Story - by TPO

Mahbuba, a Love Story *
- by TPO - 
Mahbuba An African slave girl who won the heart of a  
                      German Prince

She was born in 1820 in Guma, a southern regional state of Ethiopia.  Her parents named her “Bilillee” which literally means well-shaped or pretty.  But she later came to be known as Mahbuba which means 'My Beloved' in Arabic.

In 1835/36, when she was 15, a civil war broke out around Guma and she lost her father and six brothers.  As her village was burned to the groundinvading captors grabbed her, her sister and her mother and dragged them away as slaves. 

Mahbuba was first taken north to Gondar, then soon after to Khartoum.  After that, in 1837, slave traders took her to Cairo.  There they hoped to sell her to the highest bidder among the rich sheiks and princes that happened to be in town.

[As fate would have it,] ... it so happened that, in 1837, Prince Hermann Furst Von Puckler-Muskau of Germany was traveling thru North Africa.  While in Cairo, he went to the slave market, a popular venue for tourists.  There he saw and was instantly struck by the beauty of the young Ethiopian ‘slave’ girl for sale.  He immediately bought her, disguised her as his Mameluke boy, and took her with him on his travels.

The prince became completely besotted by Mahbuba as they continued their travels together through Palestine, Syria and Istanbul.  He was [simply mesmerized] by her natural grace, and eagerness to learn Western ways.  For her part, Mahbuba appeared to enjoy the novelty of her new and totally un-imagined life.

When they arrived in Europe, they stayed in Budapest for a while; and there, Mahbuba received Holy Baptism.  The Prince sent her for a time to the best convent school in Vienna, where he asked the nuns to teach her European ways.  But to their surprise, she soon delighted them all with her natural grace and intelligence.  It was said that Mahbuba could light up any room she entered with her smile.  It also quickly became clear that she had an aptitude for languages as it took her no time at all to be fluent in Italian and German.  She was delightful company, and she was naturally polite and kind as well.  High Society was enthusiastic to entertain the Prince and his ‘princess’, and to be regaled by Mahbuba’s exotic beauty. She was the toast of Vienna, written about in the newspapers, and always the subject of enthusiastic conversation. When she was presented to the Emperor and his royal court, she was applauded.  Everyone loved her.

Sadly, it was soon discovered that Mahbuba could not get acclimatized to the damp and cold European climate.  At some point, she was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and her health started to decline.  As the Prince had to urgently go on a brief business mission to Berlin, he instructed their doctor to give Mahbuba the best of care.

Two days after the Prince’s departure, on October 27, 1840, a servant drew back the curtains in Mahbuba’s room and found her mistress dead.  She had died alone, a slim tiny figure in a large bed. 

Mahbuba was buried in the local cemetery, marked by a large stone-shaped sarcophagus, with a single word: ‘Mahbuba’.  The grave-site is visited by thousands of people every year.

“I felt more love for her than I thought myself capable of,” the Prince wrote to a friend,“ [Her death] was my most intense pain ….”
 * Revised and edited from the original source which is ... www.ayyaantuu.net
Commentary by TPO regarding the editorial deviation from the original source ===>

TO: All Oromos (or cries for Oromiya)

I prefer to think that Mahbuba was a girl of legendary beauty and charm from Guma in the southern part of Ethiopia.  I don't know why you bother mentioning Oromiya ... there never was any such country in the recorded history and geography of the world.  There are no statues (monuments), historical relics, or manuscripts of "Oromo" history.  The people who are asserting themselves as members of an Oromo nation don't have any alphabet of their own to enable them to write, to read, or to promote their culture, such as it were.

Maybe after you have truly and adequately established your identity, you can justifiably demand respect.  You already have equality and freedom of self-determination.  As for total sovereignty, make sure you understand what you are asking and then be prepared for the price you may have to pay for it.
