T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Depressed! - by Hénock Gugsa

- by Hénock Gugsa -

I went to church this morning; and when the service was over, I found myself depressed by two things that had happened ... ====>

1 - During the sermon, the pastor brought up the topic of the recent social turmoil here regarding police killings of young black men.  The pastor actually began his comment with,  "All lives matter and it saddens us that ...".  I was almost tempted to raise my hand and object, but I restrained myself.  How can he not comprehend that when people have been crying in anguish that "Black lives matter!", there is a contextual (unsaid but understood) reference to inclusion, as if saying 'black lives matter too' ... don't forget us.  Why do things have to be spelled out to people?  Where is your comprehension of language? 
Also, and above all, why are people so reactionary and so defensive?  Why are they so dismissive, and why do they egregiously trivialize the serious concerns of a group with legitimate grievances?!
2 - During the "Peace" greetings of the congregants to one another, I shook hands with an old lady who said to me, "Are you a visitor?"  I started to say that I wasn't because I have been there once before.  But then I replied, "Yes."  However, I got neither a "Peace to you,"  nor a "Welcome." ....  Walking home, I thought why should things be this way?  Isn't a church a house of God where everyone is automatically and unquestionably welcome to worship?  Or is God approachable only exclusively to regular congregants?  Is God a bartender?!
Phisshh ... I am so depressed!!

"Open shutter, please!"

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Stirring Photo - by Osman Sagirli

Adi Hudea

Stirring Photo 
- by Osman Sagirli -

Little girl surrenders when she mistakes camera for gun!

Turkish photojournalist Osman Sagirli took the picture. 

The four-year-old girl, Adi Hudea, was at the Atmeh refugee camp in Syria in December 2014.