T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Few Ethiopian Proverbs - by Hénock Gugsa

Hénock Gügsa
Gügsa  Asta, my dad

A Few Ethiopian Proverbs *

Hénock Gugsa

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**    The wise man knows the value and necessity of quiet reserve ( in Amharic, " zimeta"  ዝምታ ).
**    A good name (reputation) is better than good perfume.
**   Thorns prick lightly the person who treads with caution.
**    One who plants grapes by the roadside, and one who marries a pretty woman share the same problem.

**    A belt fastened while running will come undone while running. ሲሮጡ  የታጠቁት  ሲሮጡ  ይፈታል ! !
**   What use the dog that barks after the hyena has come and gone?
ጅብ  ከሄደ  ውሻ  ጮአህ !
**    It is better to be the cub of a live jackal than of a dead lion.

**    Collect the fallen, never forget the departed. የወደቀ  አንሳ  የሞተ  አትርሳ
(Ethiopian version of "Finders keepers, losers weepers." )
**    Cow dung can’t be gathered where no cow has been.
**    Beware the impudent latecomer. ከሁዋላ  የመጣ  ዓይን  አውጣ !
**    The slimming of an elephant and the losses of a rich man are not noticeable.

**    The devil's favorite hideout is under the priest's hat. (This was told to me by my dad.)
**    A mouse that wants to die goes to sniff the cat’s nose.

**    The unchecked child grows up with a mouth that slips more often than his foot. 
**    When you hear people vilifying someone in his absence, remember that tomorrow you may be their next target. ሰው  ሲታማ  ነግ  በኔ  ብለህ  ስማ !

**    Don’t plant your peanuts in front  of a monkey.
**    The ultimate lesson in life: Silence.  ["Massimo istruzione è silenzio!".... This proverb was borrowed from the Italians, it was one of my dad's favorites. A great legacy to me, nonetheless.]
* Accurate or exact translation may not have been achieved here. My aim was basically to bring out the sense or essence of the messages behind the proverbs.  In the process, however, some of the original brevity and poetic rhythm may also have been forfeited.  My humble apologies.    HG