- by Hénock Gugsa -
One afternoon, earlier this month, I was coming out of a Social Security Administration branch office ... and in the parking lot, I was accosted rather aggressively by a young African-American man wearing an expensive-looking sport jersey shirt. He shouted at me and asked what my first (favorite) language was.
I gave him a puzzled look and inquired why he was asking me that.
He said because he needed to know if I spoke "Hindi or moslem or whatever."
I replied that I spoke English alright.
Then he got huffy, reached into the seat of his pickup truck, picked up a small (3.5"x5") flyer, brought it over and handed it to me. As he was walking away, he yelled at me: "Jesus Christ is your savior. Read that, or you'll perish!"
I responded, "Oh, really?!" I got into my car, and making sure that he was looking at me, I shredded that piece of paper into bits.
Then I drove away, grinning. A little while later, I dumped the little bits of the unread flyer into a public trash bin elsewhere.