T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Friday, August 10, 2012

" I'd Really Love To See You Tonight " - Dan Seals

Dan Seals

"I'd Really Love To See You Tonight"


Dan Seals (1948-2009)


Hello, yeah, it's been a while.
Not much, how 'bout you?
I'm not sure why I called,
I guess I really just wanted to talk to you.
And I was thinking maybe later on,
We could get together for a while.
It's been such a long time,
And I really do miss your smile.

I'm not talking 'bout moving in,
And I don't want to change your life.
There's a warm wind blowin' the stars around,
And I'd really love to see you tonight.

We could go walking through a windy park,
Or take a drive along the beach.
Stay at home and watch t.v.
You see, it really doesn't matter much to me.

I'm not talking 'bout moving in,
And I don't want to change your life.
There's a warm wind blowin' the stars around,
And I'd really love to see you tonight.

I won't ask for promises,
So you don't have to lie.
We've both played that game before,
Say I love you, say goodbye.

I'm not talking 'bout moving in,
And I don't want to change your life.
There's a warm wind blowin' the stars around,
And I'd really love to see you tonight.

I'm not talking 'bout moving in,
And I don't want to change your life.
There's a warm wind blowin' the stars around,
And I'd really love to see you tonight.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Dirty Liar ?!" - Slate Readers

graphics by Henock  (click to enlarge)

RNC Chairman Calls Harry Reid a “Dirty Liar” ...

Republicans fired criticism at the Senate majority leader, but he is unlikely to back down on Romney tax claims.

By Cindy Ok, Daniel Politi, and Josh Voorhees | Posted Sunday, Aug. 5, 2012
source:  Slate.com ....
Slate Readers' comments ...


So,prehaps [sic] the pathetic RNC Chairman might want to consider the Whopper of a Big Lie that his own 2012 GOP/Tea Party Presidential Candidate,Bain Capital Vulture Businessman Wimpy Willard Mittens Romney keeps telling over and over about Romney being a "Businessman",when the only thing Willard Mittens Romnney knows about business as a Corporate Raider Punk is how to ship our own American Workers Jobs OVERSEAS to India,Communist China,Mexico & Pakistan after Romney destroyed the American Companies they came from here... And,then Willard Mittens Romney knows how to deposit his ill-gained $250 Million Blood Money Fortune into All Romney's Secret Cayman Islanmds,Bermuda and Swiss Bank Accounts and lie about it and Evade Paying Taxes On It All.

So,need I mention Willard Mitt Romney is also a cowardly Viet Nam War Draft Dodger that fled to France to evade being Drafted and lies about it by saying he was on a Mormon Church Mission.
· Reply

Hmmm, let's see.

Dukakis -- The Willy Horton ads
Clinton -- Does anyone even know what he is *supposed* to have done in Whitewater?
Gore -- One of the most honest men in Congress, so the Repubs intentionally set out to make him seem a liar, via lies like the assertion that he claimed to have invented the Internet
Kerry -- Swift boated
Obama -- That would be the crack-smoking Muslim Communist socialist Kenyan who comports with terrorists

OK, so now the Republicans are in arms because the Dems are finally hitting back?  

Somehow I can no longer care.  

The sad truth is that you have to hit a bully back, or he'll keep hitting you. Obama spent four years making nice to the Republicans, and look at what it bought him. The people who now run that party see that as a sign of weakness. They will behave, but only once you've demonstrated strength.
 · Reply
Gretchen Wallace:

Not just hit him back, but smash him in the face with a trashcan lid, stomp his testicles into a bloody mess, kick his ribs in, and smash the rest of the trashcan down on his head.

Knock him down and keep him down. That's what we need to do the GOP - destroy these sick animals forever.
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"They will behave, but only once you've demonstrated strength....more"

Hey, that's pretty much neocon foreign policy in a nutshell. Are you sure you want the left adopting that as a political strategy?
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Mitch Kaplan:

@Cdub, Only for domestic politics.
· Reply

Insert Star Wars "path to the dark side" quote here.