T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Showing posts with label Satire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satire. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2011

Last Wishes - by TPO

Last Wishes
by TPO

In Greece, there is a cliff on one side of Mt. Olympus, residence to the old mythical gods. It is said that the precipice of the cliff has a unique, magical power. It seems that whatever is the last word uttered before jumping off the cliff becomes a final dying wish and is granted immediately and abundantly.

One day, three friends made the brave trek to Olympus and approached the legendary cliff.

The first guy, who was also the bravest, screamed, "Money!!!"and jumped off the cliff. He kept screaming as he fell and landed on a huge mountain of money.

The second friend heard whoops of delight from down below and got very excited. He took a long running start, picked up speed and jumped off screaming, "BABES!!!!". He landed in the midst of a sea of countless, beautiful women.

Then, the third friend gets very worked up. He takes an even longer running start and runs as fast as he can. But he's so excited that he's only going 15 mph and running out of breath. When he comes to the edge of the cliff, he trips on a rock. As he is hurtling down, he panics and blurts out, "Oh shit!"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sarisha Palin (a.k.a Abiola Abrams) - by TPO

Abiola Abrams (1976 - )
This video was made right after the Vice-Presidential debates in 2008 by News One. It may be old, but it is still good and valid and hilarious!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

TPO a.k.a. J J Sefton Strikes Again!

Today, the article in MinnPost about Steele's "Fire Pelosi" bus enticed TPO (as J J Sefton) to respond ....

<< So, here's a scenario for you ...

Steele's "Fire Pelosi" bus is headed west, fast and furious, on a mission of salvation and revival. Simultaneously, another similar vehicle, the Tea Party's "Fire Steele" bus, is coming east with the pedal to the metal.

Somewhere on the turnpike in Missouri, the two buses go out of control, cross into the median, and careen into each other. Witnesses of this horrific collision later tell the media that they'd never seen anything like it before. But one particular witness, a grizzly veteran of WWII, said it reminded him of the Battle of Midway ... ships blowing up in great blaze of glory.

Fox News immediately assembled a team of conspiracy theorists and regular, steamed pundits to run a program tentatively titled: "Restoring Truth: What Really Happened To Our Buses?" >>

William Holden and Neville Brand - Stalag 17

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"The Barbara Bush Blues" - by Rohan Preston

Star Tribune
Sunday, September 25 • 2005

The Barbara Bush Blues
By Rohan Preston | Star Tribune Staff Writer

"So many of the [displaced] people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this [chuckle], this is working very well for them." Barbara Bush, Houston, September 2005.

Poor people everywhere:
hope for disaster, displacement, flood,
pray for mudslides, earthquakes, wildfires —
for that's when the going really gets good!
Pray to be flushed out of your home — to watch it float away to rot; pray to end up in the Astrodome on a little Red Cross cot.
Away from the 'hood, you get nutritious food and free dental care; you get coupons to hoity-toity salons that can scrub the goo from your hair.
You get clean clothes, deodorant soap
and warm water to wash;
you get all this and most every wish —
plus a tidy bit of cash.
True, you may lose some of your little bums and your minimum-wage job, but these are just blips: after the apocalypse you live high on the hog.
So, clasp your hands and pray to join the
thousands living large and scot-free!
They've got such good gravy, forget First Lady - I wanna be an evacuee.

Rohan Preston is at rpreston@startribune.com.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wonder of Wonders - by Hénock Gugsa

Wonder of Wonders *
by Hénock Gugsa


Wonder of wonders, folks. I ran into Donald the other day at Lake Calhoun.

The "Duck" is well, by the way ... a bit exhausted from all that politicking he did recently in America's bounteous ponds. He's gained quite a bit of weight what with every one of his constituents pushing seeds, grasses, bugs, and little yummy snails in front of him all the time.

However, his run for the Presidency came to naught. We all knew that would be the outcome going in, but poor Donald of-course didn't. He told me that he is now totally cured of politics and plans to spend the rest of his duck days doing the things he is best at ... waddling, musing, and from time to time quacking just for the hell of it.

I asked Donald what he ponders about most.

He fluttered his wings once, and without missing a beat, said, "Why the American psyche of-course. What else?"

I said, "What do you mean, Donnie Boy? What about the American psyche?"

"Sheesh," he said, " You're the only one that calls me that! I ain't no damn Irish. I'm an American thru and thru. And I live and breathe America, don't you know that?"

I apologized and offered him a piece of aquatic delicacy to calm his nerves. Then, I pressed on with my interview of the great man, er duck.

He sat on his rump and stretched out his old legs and let them dangle in the water.

"I am worried about the American psyche," he began, "The recent financial debacle on Wall Street is sending tremors of fear and unease all thru the land."

I asked, "Do you think that Obama is up to the challenge?"

"Well, he seems to have a good team behind him. They'll be shovel-ready, don't worry."

"So what is worrying you?"

"My friend, it is them so-called experts that are messing with our heads, telling us this and that about where we are and where we are headed. What do they know? And some of them, they call themselves, 'financial advisers'. They mess with the American psyche telling us about the 'right' investment strategies. They talk about credit cycles and, get this, about solid data-driven financial analyses that will ensure success in our investment ventures. First, they assure us, then they caution us.It's enough to make your head spin."

I nodded in agreement, and he was emboldened to continue.

"I ask you, how much can the American psyche take? They tell you to access your brain, a new fangled way of telling you to think. These advisers guarantee that they are hard-wired to the raw data out there, but the prognostications depend on the behavior of us Americans. They say our future depends on our core values, yours and mine. True enough. But, what if our values-based behavior is affected by the fear factor emanating from the pit of our stomachs? Should we make decisions by proxy, or should we just adhere to the herd mentality? Should we hedge our funds, and should we continue being free to be greedy? And what about our x,y,z expectations? Should we not buy into the crisis of confidence in the market? Should we keep holding on to losing positions? And yet, thru all of this, the financial advisers fail to mention that they themselves have vested interests in the things they are pushing.They also neglect to tell you one very important detail: The system has no fail-safe mechanism."

"Whoa, this is all doom and gloom," I said with worry in my voice.

Donald thought for a moment before he replied. Then, with a glint in his eyes, he said, "Well, pal. We shouldn't let those dastards and fools sway us this way and that. We Americans know what is a useful activity and what is not.  Financial positions? pfftt! There are only three positions you can have with your money.You can spend it, you can save it, or you can invest it. Now, for spending you have checking accounts and credit cards. You can still save your money the old-fashioned way in a savings account. Your social security funds and pension plans (401Ks) can be considered savings ... but it is a stretch, I know. Then, you can invest in stocks and bonds. I heard one old geezer say that the best investment strategy these days is 'insured guaranteed bonds' or certificates of deposits."

"Wow, that is a lot to digest, Donald. But tell me what is your own investment strategy?"

A small quack escaped from his orange beak. But he managed to reply, "Easy. I invest in bird seeds. What else?!"

* “Wonder of Wonders” ~ © Hénock Gugsa  (ሄኖክ  ጉግሣ ) - 03/29/2010
 [ Originally posted at politico.com  in April, 2009 ]

The Pachyderms’ Demise - by Hénock Gugsa

The Pachyderms' Demise *
by Hénock Gugsa

The pachyderm

Thirty years! Has it been that long? Thirty long years! I’ve been gone ... and I've been hibernating for thirty years!  And now I’ve awoken, and I’m back down here visiting my cousin Sam. This neighborhood sure has changed a lot, and the humans that used to run it have undergone some kind of morphosis. It seems that, for some obscure reason, the Pachydermean party is now insanely committed to self-destruction. Their total downfall is without doubt imminent and irreversible.

Sam finds a lot to worry about, especially about his neighborhood. But it all suits him just fine. Always scowly and cantankerous, he has hardly changed at all except for a few new facial tics, mostly around his mouth.  His whiskers now have an unfamiliar jitter, and I find them quite disconcerting.

When I walked into his living room, Sam did not even bother to get up off his rocking chair and shake my paw. He merely nodded and said, “Hello, Rupert. Whatcha up to? Been drinking from a Van Winkle well, eh? You’ve outdone the old dutchman though, haven’t you?!”

But, this ribbing didn’t bother me too much. He was never very well-mannered anyways. And besides, all the folks down here act kind of crazy one way or another, not like us up north where the long winters have made us more temperate and considerate.

After a while, I was sitting by Sam’s side and chewing the fat with him. I asked how he was doing in the never-ending task of food-hoarding. He said that there was no problem there, Mother Nature has always been very generous. It was the humans that were worrying him. He said that he was deathly afraid of the pachyderms in particular. They are getting more and more rabid, he further proclaimed. Then, he began to give a detailed account of the state of things in Samlandia ....

Barely two weeks ago, Doug, the pachyderm who lived two blocks away, had shot and killed two of Sam’s friends, Peetie and Pearl. The reason – It seems Doug was upset when he found out they had made their domicile under the hood of his old Ford pickup truck. He flew into a rage at what he considered an unforgivable encroachment on his property. It did not matter that the old truck had been sitting in his driveway for the last three years … out of commission and just rusting away. But Sam knew the real cause for Doug’s psychotic episode.

Now, to be sure, my cousin Sam's home was on a sturdy, well-hidden tree limb a safe distance away from the aforementioned tragic site. But all the same, Sam had always been leery of Doug, and watched the old curmudgeon very closely but from afar.  He observed that Doug constantly
listened to and watched the raving pachyderm lunatics on the radio and the television. Doug worshiped Annie C, Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Savage.  

Strangely, the lies, the hate, and the anger that were being avidly received in Doug’s house were actually the norm in many households in the neighborhood. That may explain why the pachyderms, although recently dethroned, still have considerable clout in  Samlandia. They are peerless and tireless in distorting and denying truth and fairness. Their negativity knows no bounds, and they seem to always be in a huffy state of anger and disaffection. In short, they are a depressing lot.

What riles and intrigues Sam the most is that he cannot fathom the sense or motivating force behind the pachyderms’ behavior in all matters politique. How long can they subvert and circumvent long-term measures for the common good with obvious lies about laissez-faire, go-it-alone, individual rapaciousness? And yet, Sam observed, the pachyderms were never satisfied even when they were in power. And when they brag about their former leader, Ronaldo, they conveniently forget that he started a trend for reckless spending and military adventures. Fortunately, soon after that, the mordicant Guillermo ascended to power and straightened out all of that mess. But, that did not last long. Jorge, one of the worst pachyderms in Samlandia’s history, took over for the next eight years. He had this thing for compassion ... er, compassion for the rich and greedy, that is.  During his reign, everything that could go wrong did, and the pachyderms suddenly started burying their heads under the sand. They claimed everything was hunky-dory and whatever went wrong was Guillermo’s and the mordicants’ fault. And now at long last, the pachyderms have easily achieved the unimaginable … they have started to believe their own lies!

As Sam recounted all of this, my head was reeling with disbelief and despair. Although my home is Mooselandia, I have always had a lot of fondness for Samlandia. Also I have a lot of kinfolk down here. However, unlike Sam, most of them, I’m sad to say, are pachyderm cheerleaders. Too bad.  They must not have heard about Peetie and Pearl!

Zounds! I've had enough of this melancholia. So I quickly get up off the wicker chair and gather up my knapsack. “I’m going back to my beloved Mooselandia,” I declare with indignation in my voice. 

“I think you should come up north with me, Sam. You can make as good a living there if you want.  Civilized society up there for sure.”

“No, thanks,” says Sam. “I’m not giving these jerks that satisfaction. I’m gonna stick it out to the end! They’re gonna sink from their own weight soon, mark my words.  And, I'm sure glad they haven't yet taken a contract out on Samlandia like they did back in '94!” He winces and sighs undramatically.

Anon, he gets up off his chair and gives me a warm hug. No real surprise there. I’ve always known that, deep down, Sam was always a softie!  

 *"The Pachyderms’ Demise "  ~ © Hénock Gugsa  (ሄኖክ  ጉግሣ ) - 03/29/2010


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

National Census Blues - by Hénock Gugsa

National Census Blues
by Hénock Gugsa

Well, here we go again! It's time for the decadal absurdity known as the National Census. But, this year, somehow the irritation factor has become kind of a mixed bag. I don't know if I can really say there's been any improvements. The real improvement would be when they do away with it completely, or at least just stick to counting heads ... stop the ridiculous breakdowns (categorizations) and nonsensical probings!

HG: Hey, honey, this question here about race is one for the books ....  Choice #1 - Black, African American, Negro ... Choice #2- White ...  Choice #3- Hispanic ...[and that is broken down into three or four groups] ... etc.

JG: [chuckling].... Well, whatcha gonna do?

HG: ... and, wait, wait ... The last item on the list is "Other."  I think  I'll go with that. There is a blank space next to it where you can specify what you mean. I'll put down "Alien."

JG: Well, now. You better behave. We don't want them on our case now.

HG: Okay, then. I'll put down "Abyssinian." They can't do anything about that. Besides it's the truth.

JG: They'll think you're a cat.

HG: And is that such a bad thing, dear?!

Abyssinian cats !

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zack's Ordeal - by TPO

Zack's Ordeal 
( Land of the Profiled! ) 
by TPO

[Note: The following is based on a true story. All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent.]
Last Tuesday, I ran into Zack at one of my café hangouts downtown. He had just returned home to the United States after a two-week stay abroad visiting family and friends. Zack is originally from a North African country. But he has lived here in the States, his adopted country, for the last twenty-eight years. Without any reservation, the proudest day of his life was when he finally became a naturalized citizen fifteen years ago. But in one fell swoop, an organization named ICE has totally alienated this good man, and made him feel that he is nothing but just another tiresome second-class citizen.

Before his epiphany, Zack often bragged about his clean record as a citizen. Happily married and a devoted father to his two sons, Zack has always been a hard-working, law-abiding, and above all decent human being and citizen. Sadly, he has now become a cynical and bitter person who feels that his life and beliefs about this country were all pointless and meaningless. He told me that he feels he will never ever really be accepted or treated as an equal. His accomplishments and self-worth apparently mean little or nothing to ICE. Zack further expounded that while he respects ICE’s work and what they stand for, he was not altogether confident that their methods and practices are entirely sensitive to respecting the civil rights of citizens like him.

His experience with ICE had two parts.

Part one was the day of departure from XYZ International airport. He was asked to step aside and proceed into an interrogation and inspection room, ostensibly to check how much U.S. currency he was taking with him. It was barely $3,000, and under the limit one can take without declaring. While the agents were counting his money, they were also asking him if he was aware that any amount over $12,000 has to be declared. 

When they were finished counting the money, they asked him to pull all his pockets inside-out. That done, one of the agents began to ask where Zack worked and what type of work he did, etc.  He was puzzled by the questions, but he answered truthfully. The agent kept asking if it was a steady employment, and Zack still answered him patiently and without thinking anything of it.

Part two of Zack’s adventure was the day of his arrival at the same airport. He was confidently standing in the line for U.S. citizens and residents. In front of him stood a man of Indian or Pakistani descent.  And behind Zack stood a young couple, both Caucasians. 

Understandably, Zack can be mistaken for a Middle Eastern person. As he and his fellow passengers were standing there, an ICE agent made a beeline to the man in front of Zack, and asked two or three questions rapidly. Then, the agent turned to Zack, asked to see his passport and wanted to know from where he was coming. Zack replied that he had been visiting family and friends in Africa. The agent then asked him what type of work he did. Thinking that this was not a job interview and that it was none of the agent’s business how he made his living, Zack responded enigmatically, “IT professional.” At this, the agent raised an eyebrow and skeptically said, “Really?!” Zack stood his ground and replied, “Really.”

The agent then moved on to interrogate other (non-Caucasian) passengers. That there was profiling was evident, and Zack had expected it. What he had not expected was the blatant and complete disrespect for certain citizens’ rights and the idiocy of ICE’s procedures. After showing his document and answering this first agent, Zack had to do the same thing again three times with three other ICE agents.

Inevitable Conclusions: 

• With so many agents assisting (?!) few profiled citizens, one wonders if the tax payers’ money is indeed well-spent. Timothy McVeigh could have been standing behind Zack and no one would have bothered to interrogate the crazed sociopath only because he was Caucasian.

• Are certain citizens’ rights abused routinely? Can profiling be conducted without humiliating law-abiding citizens? 

• Incidentally, Zack got excellent treatment at London Heathrow airport by government officials there perhaps because they were more ethnically diverse unlike the ICE officials Zack encountered here. They were all Caucasians, and perhaps that was the problem!

• Is anybody at ICE giving any consideration to the possible, consequent creation of an alienated and resentful second-class citizenry?  Doesn't callousness breed more callousness?

• What recourse do these citizens have to get better treatment from government officials? Or should second-class citizenship be accepted as fait-accompli?

December, 2008