T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Ethnostate! ~~ by TPO

The Ethnostate! 
~ by TPO ~

Recently, I learned a new term from some radio program: "Ethnostate."

From what I gathered, I think it means something like apartheid.
The Wiktionary definition is ===> A political unit that is populated by and run in the interest of an ethnic group.

I wonder where America is headed?!
About the ethnostate in America


Sunday, March 26, 2017

At the Precipice of Disaster ! - by Hénock Gugsa

 At the Precipice of Disaster !
Hénock Gugsa 
Consider this scenario: ====>

You used to go thru life as simply as you could for many years.  Then life's demands started to become more difficult and got worse and worse from year to year.  About eight years ago, some one came along and made a few alterations ... not perfect, but generally beneficial changes.  They were not easily made because there was serious challenge and intransigent opposition.

The promoter of the new system was in power for only eight years.  When his term ended, unfortunately no one took up the torch and continued with his system. Instead, the person who took over was set to undo everything and his followers called the new move: "repeal and replace".

This has become a very uncertain, a very precarious moment in your life because nobody is telling you how they are replacing the old system, or rather what they have as replacement.

And all of this past week, there has been a mad dash to replace the old system with a patched-up, in-congruent, inimical concoction.  As luck would have it, very few people like it, and it has just fizzled out of existence on its own steam!

The system of the previous promoter is still alive and kicking!  Its enemies are still vowing they will destroy it some day.  But they have nothing in their bag ... no bright ideas, and no visions.  These new people in power are big losers!  The reason is quite simple ....  Unlike the previous promoter, these new leaders have no soul, no compassion, and no humanity!

So you are somehow safe for now ... you can resume your life with less fear !!!  

Saturday, December 17, 2016

"Presenting Ethiopia" ~ by Hénock Gugsa

"Presenting Ethiopia" 
~ by Hénock Gugsa ~
Here is a video I hurriedly put together.  It is something less dispiriting and less somber with which to end the year.  I am hopeful you will find it fun, interesting, and maybe even wistfully diverting.  It is a bird's eye-view of an ancient land, its people and its history!

Incidentally, this is actually the 1,000th post or entry in this blog.  I began TPO in 2009.  Unfortunately, this could very well be my last posting as I am beginning to slowly lose interest.  Sadly, there has been very little encouragement for my efforts from any corner.  For the most part, I have actually not been getting any reaction of any kind whatsoever!  As a result, from this point on, my posting will definitely and markedly be reduced or suspended indefinitely!

My thanks to all the people near and far who have read or viewed any of the posts here over the years!!!

Presenting Ethiopia - the Video from Hénock on Vimeo.
Please  NOTE !
I suggest when you're watching the video and it gets to a text frame, pause the video. That way you can read  the text without any rush.  Also, it is good to put the video in "full window" state.  You should find the feature right on the frame, just hover your mouse over little icons you might see around there.  When you're done, hit the ESC key on your keyboard, it will bring you back to normal viewing.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Very Troubling Indeed ! - by Hénock Gugsa

Ilhan Omar
 Very Troubling Indeed ! 
~ by Hénock Gugsa ~

From: The Star Tribune , December 12,2016 * 

State Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar, DFL-Minneapolis, said Monday that she reported to Washington, D.C., authorities an incident from last week in which she said she was harassed and threatened by a cabdriver ....
Omar, who will become the country's first Somali-American state legislator, was in the nation's capital last week for a conference attended by other state lawmakers. In a post on Facebook and Twitter last Wednesday, Omar said that she and her sister endured harassment the day before by a D.C. cabdriver after she attended a training at the White House.
The driver, Omar said, called her "ISIS" and threatened to remove her hijab.  [In] her Monday statement she described [the cabdriver] as an "African immigrant."
"It is essential we recognize what happened to me is not an isolated incident ...."  Omar said she has not filed a police report "because I believe criminalizing hate is not a solution and will only strengthen individual malice. Bigotry is a product of ignorance; by educating people, we will move toward respect and understanding." 

 * Source: Star Tribune, December 12,2016
  I find this report of the allegation by Ilhan Omar very confusing and troubling!  My reasons (or questions) are as follows ...  

1 - Why does she not consider this a "criminal" act ?  Does she not consider "Hate" a serious offense tantamount to crime?  Is she maybe acknowledging there has also been a lot of "Hate" and resentment inside her own [the Somali] community for quite some time now?  
2 - Does she think that the fact [?] the cabdriver is an African mitigates the seriousness of the issue?  Would she be more concerned if he had been a non-black person?  
3 - Has it ever occurred to Ilhan Omar that when she chose the path of public office, especially in the prevailing political climate, that she is fair game from all sides including her own?!   
4 - Does she recognize that her duty now is mainly to work within her own community (changing minds, attitudes, and rigid beliefs) and then to liaise with the rest of society to bring about improved understanding and agreement?

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Multitude Are Wrong! - by Hénock Gugsa

The Multitude Are Wrong! 
~ by Hénock Gugsa ~
Recently on Facebook, I responded to somebody named CG [initials] who made the following inane comment to the posted picture meme ....

CG ===> I absolutely love how ironic this picture is, and you all are proving it. It is simply saying ALL issues aren't so simple and everyone needs to be well informed. Nowhere does it mention politics, but what do so many of you do? You simply the issue to a "Democrats vs Republicans."
For fuck sakes, get your head out of the politician's assholes and THINK for yourself.
[ and I responded to CG as follows ...]

HG ===> Curtis: Couldn't you just simply give us only your take on the message in the meme instead of your snarky commentary about the world? I do not get anything of value from your commentary here, but I want you to know that I like and agree with the message in the meme. I don't have to give anyone a reason why ... do you give your reason for everything you do or for your beliefs and judgements?!

HG ===> ... and oh, incidentally, I see that  286  people have given your commentary a thumbs up.  I believe this proves that indeed the multitude seem to prefer taking the wrong path as stated by the meme.  This is a perfect example of "res ipse loquitur" ["the thing speaks for itself"].

Dame Maggie Smith ("The Dowager")

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Assessment and Prognostication - by Hénock Gugsa

Assessment and Prognostication 
~ by Hénock Gugsa ~
A Seriously Damaged Party:

The Democratic Party has taken a severe blow in the gut.  
The anger and frustration (hopelessness, helplessness) of the "working class" was not sufficiently addressed.  Hillary was never really there, and Obama was misguided in his unnecessary and (I believe wrong) advocacy of TPP* ~~~ both Clinton and Obama, thereby damaging the Democrat brand.  Hillary never picked up Bernie's cry, instead she chose the bland and uninspiring route. Big miscalculation!

And as for Donald Trump ... he's just an opportunist and a wild card! He stole the fire that should have been in the Democratic Party's camp!

Beginning of the Future: 

If things don't go well for this new Republican administration, you can bet your bottom dollar that indiscriminate scapegoating will be the order of the day. What's more, since Mr. Trump's agenda is obscure and not even seriously thought-out, there is great potential for self-propagating failure. I do not see clear skies in the horizon. 

In the global sphere, I am envisioning the world as conceived by George Orwell in his book, "1984".

The setting of Orwell's book  is the futuristic, fictional country of Oceania .  When Orwell wrote the book in 1948, the future he envisioned was 1984 ... hence the title of the book.
Oceania is one of three world powers; the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia. War with one or the other world power is a constant reality. 
It is always an alignment of two powers against one.

I am now envisioning the Americas as Oceania ... Eurasia as being all of Europe including Russia ... and Eastasia as China, India, etc.

Currently, with the Putin and Trump friendship, can you see the beginning of an alignment between Oceania and Eurasia against the "current" threat, Eastasia?  

*  TPP = Trans Pacific Partnership (trade pact)

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Demise of Language - by Hénock Gugsa

"Through a glass darkly"
The Demise of Language 
- by Hénock Gugsa -
======== **** ========
// Someone asked on Facebook  (and I paraphrase):  How does the citizenry get dumbed down so effectively, so fast? ....  And the same someone answered (again I paraphrase):  By the systematic decline and neglect of the national language within the educational structures  ....  Then, a bit later, the same person wrapped up the discourse with a reference to the story of the Tower of Babel. //
My response:  I don't believe Government has ever made a conscious and deliberate move similar to God when He was punishing humanity for their pride, and their insolence toward Him.  And if Government ever had any such nefarious  designs on its citizens, it would certainly not have been so lucky as to have willing accomplices like science and technology.  In this day and age of acronyms, emoticons, icons, and the vehicles of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.), the destruction of our language by abbreviations and punctuation marks is inevitable and unavoidable.

The limited boundaries set in Twitter, for instance, are emblematic of a society already addled by attention-deficit-disorder.  But then again, even in ordinary situations of police reporting or doctors' or nurses' medical chart reports, the English language is so stilted and mechanical-sounding, it does not even sound human.  Strangely, the police may surprise you with their vocabulary which may include the word: "semaphore" ... but then at another point, they would confound you with: "vic", or "unsub".  

Conclusion:  I don't think the Government has cursed us into the situation we are in.  I think that, much the same as in the time of Babel,  we ourselves are our own ruination! 
Robert Downey, Jr.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Trying Times! - by Hénock Gugsa

Trying Times!
- by Hénock Gugsa -

In these crazy Orwellian days, of-course anything goes.  Right is wrong, and wrong is right!  The crazies have indeed been calling the shots.  Yes, I'm talking about the national epidemic of "unreason" being spread around by Wall Street, Financial Institutions, governments, the police, the mass media, and political institutions.  Tell me: Has anybody stopped to ask the most fundamental questions to explain the irrational actions or thoughts that are affecting our lives now and will in the future?  So let us now ask:  W H Y  ???

~~ Why are lies being spread about the economy? -- To destroy what has been achieved and to profit from the ruin. 

~~ Why are immigrants, and minorities targeted as enemies? -- Because scapegoats are always needed when legitimate reasons are not evident for the perceived problems, and immediate solutions are scant.

~~ Why are decency and civility cast aside? -- Because they get in the way of the quick and easy .... "Political Correctness" is seen as denial of freedom of speech by some, and coverup of "truth" (reality) by others.

~~ Why are people (normal everyday people) so upset and het up by the "Black Lives Matter" movement? -- It's not really because they don't understand or that they disagree with the movement ... they are not even willing to sit at the table to discuss the burning issues.  No, I just thought of a reason, and it is radical and inflammatory:  I submit to you it is because, deep down, they believe that "black lives" don't really matter at all !

The conservatives have been outed ... they are the destructives!
Can anything good be salvaged?  Will the nation survive?          
-- Answer:  Yes, it has before, and it will again!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Insane Asylum Admission Criteria - by TPO

Insane Asylum Admission Criteria *
=== by TPO ===
Some of these reasons are, IMO, possibly applicable to the orange-headed Presidential candidate of 2016 .... By order of strength of validity ===>
~~ Egotism
~~ Bad habits and political excitment
~~ Greediness
~~ Gathering in the head [very appropriately so!]
~~ Brain fever
~~ Intemperance and business trouble
~~ Immoral life
~~ Excessive sexual abuse
~~ Dissolute habits
~~ Vicious vices
~~ Feebleness of intellect
* log book of the West Virginia Hospital for the Insane, 
archived by West Virginia Division of Culture and History 

Monday, October 10, 2016

My Takeaway ~~ by Hénock Gugsa

click on image to enlarge
My Takeaway
(of the Presidential Debate, 10/9/2016)
- by Hénock Gugsa -
Spellbinding!  Fantastic !!
I have for a long time opted to watch these debates on C-Span for the basic reason that you get an unalloyed, unfiltered presentation of the events first-hand.  As a result, I am able to formulate my opinions or to describe my impressions as my own with a clear and uncluttered mind.  

So, here is my summarized take of last night's debate participants ...  ************************************************************
Last night's Presidential debate between Hillary and Donald was, in my opinion, unique and for the ages. It was historical (on many levels) and educational for everybody, young and old.
Donald Trump ===> unfocused, petulant, petty, insolent, bullish, and stubbornly unremorseful.
Hillary Clinton ===> polished, in-control, knowledgeable, confident, unperturbed, and worthy of high respect.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Asking: What is Aleppo? - by Hénock Gugsa

Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate
 Asking: What is Aleppo? 
 - by Hénock Gugsa -
~~~~~ *** ~~~~~

This minor and misunderstood moment in a candidate's recent interface with the media actually speaks volumes about the mad rush to judgement by the media! What a pack of marauding hyenas they are !!!

I think Mr.Johnson should be given some slack. After-all, he is a libertarian and he doesn't even like foreign entanglements. Why should he be expected to know and differentiate Aleppo from Kirkut?!!

At least three things bother me with the whole flare-up here .... 
1) How many people (including the media) really, actually know or have even heard of Aleppo before?! Even now, many Americans (and especially politicians) don't know Aleppo from, excuse the expression, a hole in the ground.
2) Why should Mr. Johnson be expected to know about Aleppo, and what is wrong with him even admitting his ignorance?  At least, he is not parading around as a know-it-all braggart !!!  Also, Aleppo is not the problem .... The problem is and has always been American ignorance about the world and the resulting, disastrous mule-headed foreign policy.  Everybody knows what the problem is but they are not admitting it.
3) Priorities, priorities !!! Why is the  Syrian city singled out as an American concern when it is being bombed by its own government?  The evil enemy, ISIS, is not even there, and why are we not concerned more about the Russian complicity in the Syrian tragedy, etc.?? .... On another front, world refugee crisis is not entirely from Aleppo or from Syria in general.  There are thousands and thousands of refugees from everywhere else in the world.  

Conclusion ===> So let us talk about Eritrea?  Do Americans know about Eritrea?  Are they going to ask:  What is Eritrea?!


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Ad Populum Fallacy - by TPO

mob in Trafalgar square
 Ad Populum Fallacy *
- by TPO -
The ad populum fallacy is the appeal to the popularity of a claim as a reason for accepting it.
The number of people who believe a claim is irrelevant to its truth. Fifty million people can be wrong. In fact, millions of people have been wrong about many things: that the Earth is flat and motionless, for example, and that the stars are lights shining through holes in the sky.

The ad populum fallacy is also referred to as the bandwagon fallacy, the appeal to the mob, the democratic fallacy, and the appeal to popularity.
The ad populum fallacy is seductive because it appeals to our desire to belong and to conform, to our desire for security and safety. It is a common appeal in advertising and politics. A clever manipulator of the masses will try to seduce those who blithely assume that the majority is always right. Also seduced by this appeal will be the insecure, who may be made to feel guilty if they oppose the majority or feel strong by joining forces with large numbers of other uncritical thinkers.
Examples of ad populum appeals:
    “TRY NEW, IMPROVED [fill in the blank with the name of any one of innumerable commercial products]. EVERYBODY’s USING IT!
    “Gods must exist, since every culture has some sort of belief in a higher being.”
    “The Bold and the Listless must be a great book. It’s been on the best seller list for 8 weeks.”
    “Arnold Killembetter’s movie "True Garbage" is the greatest movie of all time. No movie has made as much money as it did.”
    “The fact that the majority of our citizens support the death penalty proves that it is morally right.”
* Source: http://skepdic.com/adpopulum.html
chicken factory

Saturday, August 20, 2016

"No Little Things" - by Naftali Reich

A passerby looks at a statue depicting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the nude in San Francisco!

"No Little Things"
- by Naftali Reich * -
What is the image that comes to mind when we think of the ideal national leader? Someone who has a grasp of the issues, who can see the big picture. Someone who is strong and courageous, who can hold his own in the arena of international affairs in times of war and peace. Someone who has a vision for the future and the ability to make it happen. Someone who, through his words and actions, can inspire and galvanize his people.

[But] what is [a leader's] qualification for leadership? That he is attuned to the spirit of each and every individual [citizen].

And the overriding quality required of a leader ...
It is not enough for a leader to have grand schemes and plans. It is not enough for a leader to deliver soul-stirring addresses to the people. A leader must be able to relate to his people on every level. He must be sensitive to their needs and aspiration. He must empathize with their pain and joy. A true leader cannot stand off in the distance. He must be thoroughly attuned to the most minor requirements of his people in order to lead effectively. For a true leader, there are no little things.


* Rabbi Naftali Reich, "No little Things", www.torah.org/legacy 7/14/2008

kittens in harmony

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

In response to Giuliani - by Hénock Gugsa

In response to Giuliani
- by Hénock Gugsa -
~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~
[Rudy Giuliani on FOX News: "When they come to save your life, they don't ask if you are black or white, they just come to save you!"  Rudy Giuliani thanked all the police officers who are out protecting us [sic] ....]

But that is their job! And that is what we expect them to do ... to do their job!

The police are public servants, they are expected to serve and to protect.  Neither they nor we should expect them to do any more or any less than their duty.  We  of-course love and care for them as members of the community .... They should be (and are) well compensated.  They should be well-equipped and trained to do their duties just as the military does with one difference.  The police are a civilian force which means that they are civilians and should not have a battle (war) mentality!

There is also one other aspect of our relationship with the police that is often overlooked or hardly ever mentioned.  It is the covenant of trust that we have laid at the feet of the police.  They are bestowed all the power and privileges of the "law enforcer."  Naturally, we expect policemen to carry out the delicate task of the day-to-day application of the law in people's lives.  Most importantly,  we entrust the police with the protection of our lives, our property, and our human rights.  We expect the highest standards of unwavering moral conduct, and we expect responsible, respectful behavior from our policemen.  These are the actual job requirements of the police.  If it is deemed that they cannot be met, that we are asking too much of the police, then maybe these folk need to find other softer or cushier positions like, for example, the clergy. 

Here is a look why the police should not demand respect and special thanks just for doing their jobs ....  Think of your mom and dad ... you expect them to love, protect, and nurture you ... but you don't expect them to do all that because they expect you to thank them.  They're doing their duty and your happiness and welfare is their only reward!

The work that policemen do should not be looked at collectively, but individually.  We should assess a policeman by his record, not just by the fact that he is wearing a blue uniform.  Let us give the police special honor and thanks following a job performance review just like every citizen in the country.  To do otherwise is to invite hubris and abusive behavior from folk whom we have given the highest honor of our trust. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Depressed! - by Hénock Gugsa

- by Hénock Gugsa -

I went to church this morning; and when the service was over, I found myself depressed by two things that had happened ... ====>

1 - During the sermon, the pastor brought up the topic of the recent social turmoil here regarding police killings of young black men.  The pastor actually began his comment with,  "All lives matter and it saddens us that ...".  I was almost tempted to raise my hand and object, but I restrained myself.  How can he not comprehend that when people have been crying in anguish that "Black lives matter!", there is a contextual (unsaid but understood) reference to inclusion, as if saying 'black lives matter too' ... don't forget us.  Why do things have to be spelled out to people?  Where is your comprehension of language? 
Also, and above all, why are people so reactionary and so defensive?  Why are they so dismissive, and why do they egregiously trivialize the serious concerns of a group with legitimate grievances?!
2 - During the "Peace" greetings of the congregants to one another, I shook hands with an old lady who said to me, "Are you a visitor?"  I started to say that I wasn't because I have been there once before.  But then I replied, "Yes."  However, I got neither a "Peace to you,"  nor a "Welcome." ....  Walking home, I thought why should things be this way?  Isn't a church a house of God where everyone is automatically and unquestionably welcome to worship?  Or is God approachable only exclusively to regular congregants?  Is God a bartender?!
Phisshh ... I am so depressed!!

"Open shutter, please!"

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Stirring Photo - by Osman Sagirli

Adi Hudea

Stirring Photo 
- by Osman Sagirli -

Little girl surrenders when she mistakes camera for gun!

Turkish photojournalist Osman Sagirli took the picture. 

The four-year-old girl, Adi Hudea, was at the Atmeh refugee camp in Syria in December 2014. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Police State - by Hénock Gugsa

The Police State
- by Hénock Gugsa -
====== *** ======
I'm sitting here wondering what next ... I am utterly confused.  Are we in Israel fighting Palestinians?

These days, the Police everywhere in America are actually militarized over and above what has been the norm for years.  They have nightsticks, tasers, Glocks, sniper-rifles (with scopes), shotguns, bullet-proof vests, night-vision goggles, mob-controlling shields, etc., etc. .... And now we are adding "Killer Robots"!!!

And don't forget: The police are presumed to have received thorough training in all aspects of stressful confrontations including proper application of force.  Cops are expected to have and to display mental and physical fortitude.  They are supposed to be well-equipped in every way.

Nonetheless, one wonders: Are the police protected enough?!  What more should be done to lessen their fear of the public that they are supposed to serve and protect?

Is all their armament sufficient or necessary to cope with single life-and-death situations?  Or is it needed to impose and perpetuate a permanent siege mentality? 

I don't know about you, but I sure don't feel particularly well-protected or served.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Blunderbuss Effect - by TPO

The Blunderbuss Effect
- by TPO -
~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~
** From: Epoch Times
7:25 a.m. (July 8, 2016)
A man wrongly identified by Dallas police as a suspect in a sniper attack on police says he turned himself in and was quickly released.

The Dallas Police Department [had] put out a photo on its Twitter account late Thursday of a man wearing a camouflage shirt and holding a rifle with the message: “This is one of our suspects. Please help us find him!” The tweet remained on the account early Friday morning.

The man in the photo, Mark Hughes, tells Dallas TV station KTVT that he “flagged down a police officer” immediately after finding out he was a suspect. He says police lied during a 30-minute interrogation, telling him they had video of him shooting.

Videos posted online show Hughes walking around peacefully during the shooting and later turning over his gun to a police officer.  

George C Scott - "Dr. Strangelove ..." (1964)