T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Showing posts with label Français. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Français. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Commentaire politique ~ FranceInfo


Commentaire politique 

~ FranceInfo ~

 Notos: ===>
     Si Trump vole les élections au peuple américain il n'aura plus aucune légitimité. Une guerre civile sera inévitable jusqu'à l'éjection du "président" qui ne sera en fait qu'un imposteur et un dictateur.
     Les mensonges et surtout les aveux de Trump sont le terreau d'une grave crise politique aux USA qui s'ajoutera au fiasco sanitaire et économique.
     Trump a déjà fait énormément de mal à son pays en le divisant et en refusant de prendre des mesures pour sauver son peuple de la pandémie. Sans parler de l'image des USA catastrophique à l'international.
     Biden gagnera. Et si Trump réussi son putsch en sabotant le vote par courrier, il devra être délogé par l'armée. De plus il ne sera plus du tout audible et plus rien ne pourra se faire sans que le pays explose. Et la communauté internationale pourrait se liguer contre les USA tant qu'ils n'auront pas un président légitime. Le fond du trou pour les USA.

BD1dotNet : ===>
     Le problème est qu'il va perdre cette élection...!!!
     Et qu'il ne voudra pas céder sa place...!!!
     Donc effectivement le risque d'une guerre civile est très élevé...!!!
Trump est extrêmement dangereux et doit être stoppé, s'il perd car il doit perdre (ses retards dans les sondages sont abyssaux et irrattrapables) ce sera pour lui une humiliation suprême. Il n'aura plus qu'à gémir dans son coin en disant que les élections sont "truquées". Quel triste personnage...

Source:  https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/usa/presidentielle/donald-trump/presidentielle-americaine-pourquoi-le-vote-par-courrier-pourrait-etre-un-facteur-important-de-l-election_4076625.html#xtor=CS3-794

Monday, July 27, 2020

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sur la question du karma [On Karma] - par Hénock Gugsa

Sur la question du karma [On Karma] 
- par Hénock Gugsa -
J'ai tendence à croire que mes émotions ou mes forts sentiments au sujet de justice influence des résultats que je désire.  Je sais que ça semble incrédiblement irréaliste ou délirant.  J'ai dèja des instances dans ma vie dont je suis convaincu que des choses se passent finalement comme je les désirais.  

Par exemple, quand j'étais un enfant de onze ans, un homme militaire (un brute) m'a frappé sur la tête très fort .  Il n'avait aucune bonne raison de le faire, il était vraiment cruel.  Six mois plus tard, cet homme a reçu neuf balles dans le cul pendant un coup d'État militaire.  Apres ça, il n'a jamais été capable de remarcher.  Mon père m'a dit que probablement j'étais la raison de cette débâcle, il m'a dit bravo !  Peut-être tu souhaites annuler cette histoire comme une fantasie.   Je m'en fiche.
What I understand of  "Karma" good or bad is : Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us.
If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Friendship, Love ...
then we should BE Happy, 
[we should be] Peaceful, 
[we should be] Loving, 
and [we should be] a Friend.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Tintin En Amérique ~ de TPO

** Tintin En Amérique ** 
( ታንታን  አን  አሜሪክ ) 

A quality cartoon serial by the Belgian, Hergé (1907-1983)
~ good, clean, highly artistic , and lots of fun !

Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Great Cabaret Song ! ~ by TPO

A great song from the cabaret days of 1930's Paris
Charlotte Dauvia: " Boulevard des rêves brisés " - 1932

Frances Langford: "The boulevard of broken dreams" - 1939

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Je m'ennuie ici ! // ደብሮኝ አለሁ ! // I'm bored !

Hilarious ! ===> A French girl in Ethiopia rapping in Amharic. 
Her accent is simply atrocious! ... but, she's still charming !!! 
~ With some difficulty, you discover that she's saying she's Bored ! 😲 😁 😁

Saturday, April 11, 2020

La Langue Française: ~ Hénock Gugsa

La Langue Française
 ~ Hénock Gugsa ~
La Langue Française:
Some French words , names, and expressions that fascinate me ...
[Sorry I hardly know any slang.]
1 - "suspendu(e)"  ===> literally, it means: hanging, suspended, .... [ I specially like how native French speakers say it;  they sound like they have marbles in their mouths. There is almost a whistling sound in there! ]

2 - "tout à fait"   ===> a very versatile expression almost always meaning:  absolutely, entirely, ....

3 - Almost all words that start with "boul..." Examples: boulevard, boulverser, boulangerie

4 - Names (noms) ===>  Laurant, Sebastien, Sandrine, Henri, Thiery, Claire, ...

5 - "les animaux sauvages" ===> wild life

6 - "tolérant(e)"  ===> tolerant

7 - "augmenter" ===> to increase, to raise

8 - "couvre-feu" ===> curfew
9 - "chômage" ===> unemployment

10 - "Ça viendra" ===> that's next, it will happen, ...

... and, finally, of-course the ubiquitous and all-purpose cliché ===> "Voila!" --- which is a shorthand  for ... there you go, there now, you see, okay, etc., etc. .
** Please submit your suggestions for my education ! **

Hénock says hi !

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Renée Mauperin ~ by Edmond and Julesde Goncourt

  Renée Mauperin
["The Morning Kiss" ... an extract]
~ by Edmond  and Julesde Goncourt ~ 

     " Well!" exclaimed Renée, entering the dining-room at eleven o'clock, breathless like a child who had been running, " I thought every one would be down.  Where is mamma?"
     " Gone to Paris --- shopping," answereed M. Mauperin.
     " Oh! --- and where's Denoisel?"
     " He's gone to see the man with the sloping ground, who must have kept him to luncheon.  We'll begin luncheon."
     " Good-morning, papa!"  And instead of taking her seat Renée went across to her father and putting her arms round his neck began to kiss him.
     " There, there, that's enough --- you silly child!" said M. Mauperin, soiling as he endeavored to free himself.
     " Let me kiss you tong-fashion --- there --- like that," and she pinched his cheeks and kissed him again.
     " What a child you are, to be sure."
     " Now look at me.  I want to see whether you care for me."
 Renée Mauperin --- The Morning Kiss 1882
 etching on laid paper
by James Tissot (French, 1836-1902)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Adventures of Gabriel and Nathalie - by Hénock Gugsa

The Adventures of Gabriel and Nathalie
by Hénock Gugsa 
Some time back, in my never-ending travels (cruises) on the internet, I ran into a website called "Tumbler".  So, I checked it out from here to Sunday, and it is quite an entertaining and unique website.  It is mostly a repository for blogs of all kinds:  story rooms, chat rooms, art rooms, media rooms, etc.

I signed up as henock928 and now have my own room which I have named: "Asta9 ".  But this is all not so relevant to the little story  I want to share here.

Inside Tumbler, there is a blog called "Gabenath Fanblog" which is basically about the (fictional ?) lives of the Agrestes, Gabriel and Nathalie (née Sancoeur).  There is also a third character named Adrien who is Gabriel's son / Nathalie's stepson.

As far as I can figure, the authors/contributors of Gabenath Fanblog must be francophone because I have had to go in and edit (amend) words or phrases that are obviously bad translations from French. Actually, though, I have discovered the blog is originating in Germany.  At any rate, I am here presenting seven little episodes (encounters ) between the characters.  Enjoy!

Episode 1 -
Nathalie: "Where'd the mistletoe come from?"
Gabriel, blushing while staring at Adrien: "Adrien!"
Adrien: "What, someone had to make the first move and clearly neither of you were gonna do it."

Episode 2 -
Adrien: "Nathalie likes it when you’re mysterious."
Gabriel: "Got it."
[later, on his date ...]
Nathalie: "So, dear, where are we going for dinner?"
Gabriel: "None of your business."

Episode 3 -
Nathalie: *hugs Gabriel*
Gabriel: "What is this?"
Nathalie: "Affection?"
Gabriel: "Disgusting."
Nathalie: "..."
Gabriel: "....Do it again."

Episode 4 -
Adrien: "Why are you two holding hands?"
Gabriel: "Studies show it relieves stress."
Adrien: "Oh, okay, I just thought maybe you were dating or something."
Nathalie: "We are. We’re also really stressed."

Episode 5 -
Nathalie: "I was attracted to you first."
Gabriel: "Well, I confessed first."
Nathalie: "I asked you out first."
Nathalie: "And, well, I said ‘I love you’ first."
Gabriel, getting down on one knee: "I proposed first."
Nathalie: "Well, I- WAIT WHAT?"

Episode 6 -
Gabriel: "You know, I really don’t like your last name."
Nathalie: "What’s wrong with Sancoeur?"
Gabriel: "I don’t know... it just doesn’t suit you. You should change it."
Nathalie: "Change it?! To what?!"
Gabriel: "Agreste."

Episode 7 -
Nathalie: "Don’t change the subject."
Gabriel: "What’s the subject?"
Nathalie: " Me. "

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Opéra : la Scala de Milan - by TPO

Opéra : la Scala de Milan 
- by (de) TPO -
~ l'une des plus belles salles de théâtre du monde !
~ One of the most beautiful theater halls in the world !!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Médina, (Dakar) Senegal - by TPO

Dakar, Senegal -  food market (marché alimentaire)
Médina, a poor neighborhood in Dakar, Senegal 
- by TPO -
-~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~
Médina, a poor neighborhood in Dakar, Senegal, has become a draw for art fans!


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cultural Differences !!! - by TPO

Silly American tourist in Europe !
Cultural Differences ! *
-- Americans share the things they didn’t realize were typically American until they traveled. --

Observation # 4:
Ask a cop how he’s doing here in the States, and you’ll get tased!

It is very different in Paris.  I Walked up to a security guard at the library adjacent to Centre Pompidou, which is where we were headed and asked in English if he could tell us where the entrance to the museum was.

He stared at me blankly. I started stammering, trying to repeat myself in French, when he said very sarcastically, “ ‘ALLO? ‘OW are you DO-EENG?!” ....  You see, I had not first offered a greeting before asking my question!

In large American cities, public servants and other people providing services to tourists are often not looking for such niceties. They want you to make it as quick as possible and keep moving.

* Source: RoughMaps

Conan and owl !

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Un Malheur N'arrive Jamais Seul (1903) ~ de Georges Méliès

Georges Méliès

Un Malheur N'arrive Jamais Seul (1903)! 
~ de Georges Méliès (1861-1938) ~
💙 💙 💙
- Misery loves company !!
- መከራ  ብቸኝነት  አይወድም !! 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pa Janvier - by Leyla McCalla & Cedric Watson

Please click on image to magnify.

Pa Janvier (ፓ ዣንቪዬር )
- by Leyla McCalla & Cedric Watson - 

Leyla McCalla and Cedric Watson make good music together ! 

~ Janvier means January, and Pa Janvier means Father Winter. The song is about a young man telling Pa Janvier that he (the young man) is in love with Pauline, Janvier's daughter. He is begging Janvier to give him Pauline because he loves her so much. [If or when] Janvier refuses, the young man says his heart will be crushed and it will be the ultimate and forever farewell! 

~ Elsewhere (at a venue in Ireland), Cedric gives a little more detailed background story for this song. It is about "a pretty lady with dark hair and dark eyes, like most women in Louisiana, and she's really young and she gets a little drunk for Mardi Gras, and she decides to go in a little horse and buggy ... back then, even though they didn't have motor vehicles, you still couldn't go riding around drunk. She ended up running off a bridge and she fell into a bayou ...."

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Victory in Rural France (La victoire de la ruralité)

Victory in Rural France

Victory in rural France ===> Morris, the rooster, can now legally resume his early morning cock-a-doodle-doings to his heart's content! A Rochefort court tribunal has not only ruled in favor of the king of the roost, but has penalized the plaintiffs 1000 € (euros) for damages and for making such a fuss !!! 💙

አስደሳች ድል ለአቶ ሞሪስ ===> በፈረንሳይ ገጠር በ ሳን-ፒየር-ዶሌሮን የሚኖረው አውራ ዶሮ ፥ ሞሪስ ፥ እንደልቡ የፈለገውን ያህ ማለዳ ጠዋት እንዲጮህ በሕግ ተፈቀደለት ። እንዲያውም ዳኛው ከሣሾችን በሞሪስ ላይ ስላደረጉት የመንፈስ ሽብር አንድ ሺ (1000 ዩሮ € ) እንዲከፍሉ በተጨማሪ ፈርዶባቸዋል !!! 💙

La victoire de la ruralité ===> Le coq Maurice pourra continuer ses vocalises matinales. Le tribunal de Rochefort (Charente-Maritime) a tranché jeudi 5 septembre. Faute de preuve, la juge a débouté les plaignants, condamnés à verser 1000 euros de dommages et intérêts !!! 💙

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Charmeur extraordinaire ~ de Hénock Gugsa

Tu me manques terriblement !
[ tu me manques terriblement! ]

Charmeur extraordinaire !
~ de Hénock Gugsa (ሄኖክ  ጉግሣ) ~

የ ፈረንሳይ   ቡችላ  ... ውፍ !!!
French bulldog  ... woof !!!

il faut cliquer pour l'amplifier !
il faut cliquer pour l'amplifier !