T   P   O
The Patient Ox (aka Hénock Gugsa)

G r e e t i n g s !

** TPO **
A personal blog with diverse topicality and multiple interests!

On the menu ... politics, music, poetry, and other good stuff.
There is humor, but there is blunt seriousness here as well!

Parfois, on parle français ici aussi. Je suis un francophile .... Bienvenue à tous!

* Your comments and evaluations are appreciated ! *

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Skewering MRC (Media Research Center) - by Hénock Gugsa

Skewering MRC (Media Research Center) 
- by Hénock Gugsa -

This is not a calm, cool, and objective reporting by Media Research Center*, a rather curiously-named organization whose motives and backers are, to say the least, suspicious.

~ Consider, for example, the point the MRC reporter makes here about "sponsors not showing up to pick the children because [they, the sponsors] are themselves illegal".  Why would illegals sponsor the children in the first place when it could land them [the sponsors] in trouble?  To do that is tantamount to asking to be deported !!! It does not make sense.  If the children are their own kin, I'd think the smart thing to do is to ask a church or some philanthropic organization to intercede on their behalf ....

~ No, this fire-spitting reporter neglected to dig further into the details but instead concentrated on berating rather than objectively reporting.  Somebody should research MRC itself  because they sound like the "real" Fake-News to me!

~ The more and more I hear and read about the shameful and disgusting things the U.S. Government is doing regarding the children of undocumented immigrants and those at the border, the less muddled and clearer the motives become. Although it might seem far-fetched or conspiracy-theory-laden, I am inclined to now believe that the children are being held as hostages for ransom, money which will be used to build the wall. Mr. Trump and his supporters are defending themselves by claiming he is merely following rules set by the previous administration (i.e. democrats and that Kenyan guy!) Since Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, democrats must pay through the nose. That is the Government of Spite and Malice for you ! --------------------------------------------
Some responses and reactions to the video on MRC's Facebook page ...

K C L ===> In other words it's still happening( kids in cages) but don't point it out unless you clarify who was President when it happened. Don't address or correct the problem just make sure you know who was President when it was reported. Bull! You only care about defending Trump.

KCL ===> This is reporting? Can't you just speak normally without all the sarcasm??? I prefer to get facts from people who don't sound like a 13 year old girl presenting their case on why Brook cheated on Chad.
A N ===>  Heil Hitler!
SD ===>  I suppose if the MRC were a credible news source, I might listen, but their reputation doesn't appear to have much going for them. Try again.
M B N ===> Easy solution. Immediately make parents and children go 
back across the border, That way they won't be separated.
K J ===> Came out of sessions mouth. Yes, they are separating the children. Just like the nazis did. Part of the playbook. The video of him saying is all over the place. Do your research.
J M-G ===> All I ask lady is that you stay out of Canada. We don’t need your kind here. Mexicans are more than welcome to come. 
T B ===> By the way the babies crawled over the border without their parents, right? Give me break! You are the insult to people like me!
Hénock Gugsa ===>  I think people are throwing in silly and not exactly exact phrases like "catch and release" into discussions about immigration policies. When you deport undocumented immigrants, more often than not, they find their way back and are arrested again.  So are you thinking of this as the result of "catch and release" too?  I call it recidivism.  If you don't catch and deport them, what do you do then?  Cage them indefinitely, deport them but keep their children for whatever nefarious reasons?

* According to Wikipedia: "The Media Research Center is a politically conservative content analysis organization based in Reston, Virginia, founded in 1987 by L. Brent Bozell III."  It is also a non-profit organization and as such should not be taking any political sides on any issue! Non-profits should be neutral and unaligned!

TRUMPISM in a  nutshell !